chapter 20 : Ocean of love

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Before the holidays began, we had a Christmas concert on the last day of school. Oh it was a mess! but a funny one.

The juniors danced to 'all I want for christmas is you'. You could really tell they had only rehearsed at least once.
Meanwhile, Nick played 'somewhere only we know' on the violin and it was absolutely amazing, jaw dropping, show stopping!
What can he NOT do?

Oh yeah- and the teachers, they dressed up as the x factor judges. Mr Gorman was dressed as Simon Cowell. I never understood the popular comparison between the two until that day. They could be long lost brothers!! 


Present day, Joshua had already gone to Spain and me and the girls have been hanging out.
Today, I were to have a date with Nick- well, a platonic in like, hanging out.
That just kind of slipped out..anyways.
We're going to the art gallery, apparently it's an underwater themed exhibition.

Honestly, I don't even know how he remembered I'm into marine life, I only mentioned it once. 

"Simon, your fella is at the door!" Lydia yelled from downstairs. I put on my forest green sweater before rushing downstairs in my slippy duck socks.

There he was, waiting for me in the front hall with his silk, royal blue shirt and grey khakis. He looked like a real business man.
"I love your outfit." He smiled as he looked me up and down.
I chuckled lightly, trying to hide my blush.
"Thanks, you too."

"Anyways- um...I'll let nan know I'm leaving now." I added almost in a whisper.

"No need, you two...pals, can go." Lydia smirked, giving me a light nudge on the shoulder.
I nodded and we said our goodbyes to Lydia.

We made our way to Matthews car, Nick held the door for me. What a gentleman. 

"Hey Matthew!" I chirped. He gave me a big grin, revealing his pearly whites.
"How ya holding up Simon?"

"Very excited for this art gallery!" I giggled.
"Oh if you're excited for the gallery then wait til-"
"Matthew." Nick interrupted sternly, giving him the death glare. Matthew broke out into laughter and after that  refused to reveal any more. It got me feeling more excited than before, what was Nick hiding? 


Once we arrived at the gallery, we split up from Matthew and looked around at the different paintings and sculptures. Most of them were whales, humpback whales to be more precise.

"Do you like it?" Nick asked innocently, his eyes begging for approval.
"Yeah, these are lovely. Thank you Nick." I grinned as I clutched my handbag.

"I'm glad." He replied, a small smile cracked on his face.

"I love this strangely reminds me of you." He added, pointing to a painting of a blue whale swimming in the depths of the ocean.
I could see why he liked it, the composition was interesting. Its not everyday you see paintings of a whale swimming across instead of ahead.

"It's quite interesting...different. The way it swims looks so graceful, whales are truly fascinating." He continued in awe. The both of us observing and mesmerising the whale. 

"I remind you of a blue whale?" I chuckled lightly. 
He quickly woke up from whatever trance he was in and looked over at me, His cheeks turned pink.
"Uh- I apologise. Of course not, you're not a whale- nor do you resemble one! Hah sorry-"
"No, no!! I love that you find me..graceful." I interrupted trying to calm him down. I gave him a gentle pat on the shoulder and continued looking around the exhibition, blending into the crowd.

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