chapter 28 : whats on your mind?

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The day after the tragedy also happened to be the day of valentines. Really adds more salt to the wound.
Unfortunately resulting in Joshua's lack of sleep. I kept him up all night with my endless tears, but can you blame me? My two closest friends, one of them being a guy I had a huge crush on- betrayed me? Who am I to trust??


"Good morning boys" Nan smiled as she placed freshly made pancakes onto the table. The nostalgic aroma making me forget about it all for a moment.
"How are you feeling sweetheart?" She asked. I sighed as the both of us sat down, my hands hidden under the table.
"Better than yesterday I suppose." I groaned. Joshua took a big bite out of his pancake as if he hasn't eaten in centuries.

"Are you sure you don't want to report her??" Nan asked, she's been telling me to since yesterday but I just don't see what the police or school could do about it. It's all just a rumour.
"Yes I'm sure nan." I mumbled as I aggressively bit on my pancake.

Once we were finished eating, we got dressed, packed our bags and left out the door only to be met with a little suprise at the doorstep.

A bouquet of flowers sitting on the porch, a big one at that.
"What's this about?" Joshua scoffed, picking up the large bouquet. There was a tag attached at the end.
"Oh this is for you want to read it?" He asked with a slight worry to him.
I had a feeling I knew exactly who it was from, and although I wanted to say no and just throw it out, a part of me really wanted to read it.
"Umm..yeah, alright." I took a deep breath in before looking at the tag.

It read,
'Dear Simon,
Words cannot describe how I feel about you. You've made my days better, you've taught me so much. Instead of looking up at the sky, I look up to you. Your love and passion inspires me to be myself.
Let's be ourselves, together.
Nick Kwon'

Suddenly, I could feel tears forming in my eyes. But I didn't feel sad, I felt angry. Angry for Molly betraying me, angry for Nick lying to my face. Angry for him to just send me flowers and think everything would be okay, angry for being angry at Nick!?
"Simon, You okay?" Joshua asked lightly, his hand resting on my back for reassurance.

"He has some audacity sending me these flowers." I hissed trying to act unphased but failing miserably.
"I'll just...I'll put them in the bin." I stuttered bitterly before stomping back inside. I walked up to the bin and just stared, contemplating my decision. For whatever reason, I just couldn't do it.

I snuck into my room and stuffed the bouquet into my wardrobe, hoping nobody would find them.
"You sure you're alright?" Joshua asked as I rushed down the porch.
"Mhm!" I chirped bitterly, marching on and he followed. But my anger quickly fizzled into confusion. Friends don't send letters to each other like that...not on valentine's day? But I suppose it doesn't matter anymore...does it?

"Do you think that's why he was late yesterday?" I asked out of the blue, I was mostly just thinking out loud.
"Maybe, who knows...does that matter to you?" Joshua suggested, his tone of voice giving away a sense of worry.

"I suppose not." I chuckled with a slight scoff. I really did try to act as if I didn't care but I did. In fact, I wanted Joshua to reassure me and tell me what Nick did wasn't so bad and that everything could be fine again. I persisted, knowing he wasn't the person I was looking for an answer from.
"What if he did it to protect me?"

"Maybe. We don't know his reasons, perhaps you could hear him out." Joshua sighed revealing that I had been read. Perhaps hiding my emotions was never meant to be a skill of mine.
"What if I lose him." I asked, finally letting my gaurd down. Our pace somewhat slower than before.

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