chapter 26 : dance with me

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[Simons POV]

We've been practicing for the shakespearian play all day today, thankfully that means we don't have to be in class. Although I'd view that more as a disadvantage for me and an advantage for Nick, which is why I actually asked him to make notes for me.
I've too much faith in him I think.
Too much faith in Molly actually, since I asked her to dance with me for one of the scenes because I was missing a partner. She agreed of course but she also happened to sprain her ankle the same now, I have to find someone else.

There's no way I'm asking Nick. Not because he makes me nervous...he doesn't, pfft.
It's just that he's too busy making notes for me, if he joins me we'll be both left in the dark.
Why must everything be so hard...


"Hey...Simon, right?" Said a voice behind me, I turned around to Dimitri smiling at me.
"Yep, you got it." I smiled back as I continued checking out the stage.

"I heard your partner sprained her ankle just then." He chuckled.
"Yeah and now I got no one to dance with so...what can ya do."

"Well, I was supposed to dance with Aki tonight but he got crazy sick and can't come so I was, and me..?" He offered, hands on his hips. How could I say no? It was the perfect opportunity.
And so, I took it.

"Uh- yeah sure, why not." I grinned before he shook my hand like a business man.
"Alrighty! I'll be coming from the left wing" He added, I simply nodded and rolled my sleeves up.
"We could practice now if you'd like?" I suggested and he agreed.
We grabbed each others hands and took two steps forward, three steps back.
We continued like this until Nick finally came into the hall. He quickly adjusted his hair and collar before coming up to me.

"Hey Nick, have you got my notes?" I chirped as I hopped over to him. A small smile appeared on his face until he caught a glimpse of Dimitri.
"Uh- Yes of course, I even asked Joshua to write you some maths notes. I'll hand you more after the play."

"Thank you so much, you're the best!" I beamed before giving him a warm hug.

"Who's that?" Nick asked out of nowhere, pointing to Dimtri who was making his way backstage.

"Oh that's Dimitri, he's in my art class. We were just practicing for the dance."

"Weren't you going to dance with Molly?" He asked bitterly, something felt off but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

"Oh yeah it's actually really funny- Molly fell down the backstage stairs during rehearsal, she was crying like a baby. Turns out, she sprained her ankle so now she's on crutches. I had to quickly find someone." I chuckled, hoping I could lighten the mood but Nick didn't laugh. In fact he looked more worried than anything.

"She should be more careful...but may I ask, why you didn't come to me?"

"Oh, well uh...I didn't think you'd be into it. Besides, you'd miss your classes and then who would take the notes for us?" I explained, Nick simply shrugged.
"I suppose you're right."

"Anyhow, Maya and Joshua are waiting for us under the tree so we better head over to them." Nick added. I put away my art tools for later, grabbed my lunch bag and strolled outside with Nick.


"Hey Simon, how you doing?" Maya asked with slight concern. She probably thinks that Ellies comment upset me but I actually forgot about it until now.
"Yeah I'm good, I found a dancing partner!" I replied as me and Nick sat down on the grass. The sunlight hitting our faces.

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