chapter 11 : friendship and love [Nicks POV]

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[Nicks POV pt2]

I quickly did any homework I was assigned and studied but didn't get much done as I had to rush to get dressed. I put on an ordinary, light pink buttoned up shirt with an aqua blue tie and grey khaki pants.

Although I'll admit, I was a little under dressed as me and my father were invited to a charity event this evening.
But with all the study and work to do, I simply had no time to dress any better. That'll have to do I'm afraid.


As soon as I was ready, Matthew drove the both of us to the event. We arrived at this big mansion with big tall pillars and rose bushes used as fences.

It was crowded with lavish adults chatting and exchanging drinks with each other.
What a snore.

"Mr Kwon told me that he expects you to be on your best behaviour." Matthew whispered to me as my father was nowhere to be seen, typical.

I nodded and made my way to the nearest food stand, I wasn't about to talk with a bunch of wealthy adults.
In most cases, they ask you the most bizarre and overly personal questions like
"oh when are you going to get married and have kids? Someone needs to carry the company name!"
Or "do you have a girlfriend Nick?? Ah don't lie, look he's gone all red now haha!"
Or just make weird comments about my height and weight. Saying i've grown a lot since i was a baby even though ive never met them in my life.

Althoughhh, I could create a great first impression resulting in possibly being handed business opportunities for my future and make my father proud......okay I'm going.

I anxiously made my way over to a group of adults and a teenage girl, around my age. She was wearing a floral black dress and her hair was partially tied up in a bun, the rest was left to flow down her shoulders.

All eyes turned on me as I approached them with my head held up high, back straight and my Gel intact.
I kept repeating 'head up high, posture, fix hair' As I made my way towards them.

"Hello, my name is Nick Kwon, I'm Mr Kwon's son." I smiled as I firmly shook everyone's hands one by one.

They all warmly greeted me and huddled around.

"Whoever organised this event? It's truly wonderful. The amount of work that was put into the decoration, food and the whole ordeal." I continued, hoping I'll flatter at least one person in the group.

"I'll let my mother know she's impressed someone." Smiled the teenage girl.
"Would you like to meet her?" She added, she shocked me to say the least. Trying to hide my excitement, I agreed and we excused the group of adults.
I gave myself a quick pat on the back.

I followed the girl with long, wavy blonde hair as she led me to a white patio, sparkling from the fairly lights. A crowd laughing in the distance and the sound of glass clinking becoming louder.

"Mother! Look who I have found." She grinned, proudly showing me off. The lady smiled and gently tapped my father on the back who was turned around the other way, talking with other men.

"Ah, I see you have met each other." He said with a faint smile, he wasn't the kind of man to show much emotion.

"They'd make such a cute couple, wouldn't they Jin?" The lady awed as she looked at the both of us standing next to each other.
I was right, it's never a party without an uncomfortable comments.

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