chapter 27 : playing with emotions

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Apologies for the long break! Have a longer chapter as a treat :D


It was finally the weekend and the group decided to meet up in town to hang out. I put on my white shirt with puffed sleeves and my favourite green, V-neck sweater on top. For pants I put on grey ripped jeans which were cuffed at the ends. They don't call me a fashionista for nothing (they don't.)

I ran downstairs and grabbed myself some toast before finally leaving in Matthews car.
"Hey Matthew!" I buzzed before being greeted with a warm smile.
"Nice outfit." He chirped.
"Thanks, is Nick already at the café?" I asked and he nodded.
"Nick wanted to get something done before he saw all of ye. Said it's important." Matthew said as he turned corners. I didn't think much of it though considering Nick is the son of a business man, perhaps he had something of his own arranged.

Once we finally reached our destination, Matthew parked in the parking lot and I thanked him. I walked up to the shopping mall and waited for my friends to arrive at the cafeteria. It wasn't long before Joshua and Maya showed up, just on time.
"Hey guys!" I stood up and greeted them with a hug.
"Hey Simon, I love your sweater." Maya awed.
"Wait oh my god- your hijab is the same colour as my sweater! We're literally matching right now!!" I exclaimed giddily and the both of us shrieked followed by laughter. Joshua couldn't help but laugh at us.
"Also uh Simon...I already asked your grandparents but I wanted to make sure it was okay with you. Is it alright if I stay at your house for a week?"
"Yeah of course, but is everything okay??" I asked with worry.
"Yeah everything's good, my parents are just renovating the house and wanted to stay at a hotel know." He gulped nervously just at the thought.

For context; when we were little, maybe like, seven or six. There was this haunted house all the way in Dublin and we wanted to go for Halloween, so my dad brought us and my sister over for the night. Joshua hates to admit it, but he was petrified. He was screaming his head off when the actors scared him and they loved it, and so did I. I was having a blast!
Eventually, we had to go back to the hotel but my evil, mischevious dad. Love the man to bits, decided it was a good idea to pay the hotel staff to scare off a bunch of six year olds. Joshua had the biggest fright and I think it's safe to say he's had a fear of hotels ever since. He's really ashamed to admit it though..

"Ohh right, yeah okay. I'd love for you to stay." I grinned mischeviously, giving him a light nudge on the shoulder. Maya just looked at us cluelessly but maybe it's for the better. Joshua would suffocate me on the spot if I told her about the hotels.
"Thank you Simon" He grinned with relief and the three of us sat down at a big table as we waited for Nick and Molly to show up.
After a couple of minutes, the bell at the door dung and cold air flowed inside.
"Aplogies, this took a whole lot longer than expected." Nick panted as he rushed over to us.
"Hey Nick!"
The group welcomed him meanwhile I, awkwardly looked off into the distance. I know I probably came off as rude but the minute I saw him, I remembered. I remember the night where we almost kissed under the stars?! Well that's what I think at least, maybe it was all in my head.
"Hey" I smiled awkwardly before he looked me in the eyes and his face naturally cracking out a smile. His cheeks flushed a vibrant pink.
"Hi, have you-- did any of you order yet?" He cleared his throat, all of us shrugged a no.

Me and Nick walked up to the counter to order some drinks meanwhile, Joshua and Maya waited for us at the table. Said they both wanted hot chocolate.
"What are you ordering?" Nick asked trying to fill the awkward silence between us. He looked up at the board.
"Oh umm...maybe a cappuccino and a lemon cupcake. You?" I replied, pursing my lips. Nervously fidgeting with my leather wallet.
"Hm, I'm not entirely sure. Perhaps I'll get the caramel milkshake, I'm open to trying something new." He smiled as he looked back at me causing me to freak out. I quickly looked back at the board and pretended as if he wasn't looking at me. I don't understand how he's so calm??
"Hello there, what would you like to order?" Asked a lady on the other side of the counter.
"Could I please have a cappuccino with a lemon cupcake and two hot chocolates." I ordered before Nick put his hand on my back.
"I'll be more than glad to pay for the hot chocolates." Nick interrupted.
"No- Nick, it's okay I can pay for them." I argued causing him to chuckle.
"No really, I can pay." He continued. The lady at the counter looked at the both of us as if we were insane.
"How about you pay for one hot chocolate and your boyfriend pays for the other?" She suggested and Nick agreed. My face turned bright red. He didn't even try denying the accusation she threw at us. It's as if I was the only one unaware of us having a 'relationship'.

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