chapter 9 : Hot and Cold

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After that day, me and Nick have been spending a lot more time together and gotten kinda close. One could say we were....friends.

Although he didn't exactly show it around others.

"Simon here!! Here!"
"Throw it to me Simon!?"
Overlapped different voices, screaming around me as I nervously held the ball.

Everyone huddled around me.
Until someone from behind tackled me, making me collapse onto the cold floor.

Before I knew it, the other team had the ball and just won the very last goal. They chanted like a bunch of cavemen in the background.

"Ughh ya stupid fuck!" Groaned one of my teammates.
"What did you expect, this guys a wet wipe." Scoffed another, despite the insults I was more curious than hurt.
'Wet wipe'? What on gods green earth does that even mean???

I shook my head and lifted myself off the ground to my grumpy teammates rolling their eyes at me.

"Well done lads!! - And you, ye guys are gonna run another ten laps!?" The pe teacher screeched before blowing into her whistle. At the sound of her excruciating squeak- we raced around the PE hall as if it was some competition. pushing each other around like animals.


Everyone commented on my atheltic skills, using the most harsh words possible- right beside me, I'm right here!?
"It's fine, just ignore them" Molly smiled, giving me a pat on the back.
"You did your best."

I smiled back at her,
"Thanks Mol..."
"Anyways, I'm going to go find Nick now, see ya at lunch!"

"Oh- uhh...see ya!!" She smiled weakly, her expression slowly turning into a frown. But I chose to ignore it afterall, he's my friend not hers.

I stepped into the loud locker room, all sneaky eyes glanced at me. Suddenly the loud voices turned into quiet murmurs.

"Hey- Nick" I waved nervously as he took off his sweaty t-shirt.
Revealing his chiseled chest and his perfectly sculpted biceps. You could tell he didn't skip a day in the gym.

He turned around to look at me

His eyes slightly widened.
"Oh hello, Simon." He said blankly as he stepped closer towards me.

"May I help you with something?" He continued, looking me up and down..but in a somewhat judgemental tone.

"Uhh- um.." I stuttered, completely forgetting what I even had to say.
The whole locker room trembled in laughter.
"BAHA Nick I think he got a hard on for you!!" Laughed one of his friends, making a complete fool out of me.

Nick silently turned back around and continued getting changed, ignoring the disgusting jokes they made about me.

"You've got nothing to say about it Nick??" Asked one of the boys, a smirk running along his face. You could tell they were trying to pop a nerve.

"Nick that's fair gay." Added another,

"Yeah- whatya got with this skinny lad?? You boyfriends or somethin??" Replied another boy, followed by laughter. Nick quickly got tense.

"It's all just for the bet." He replied coldly before putting on his collared shirt. His words leaving a deep cut in my heart. I don't know what I was expecting...but certainly not this.

I abruptly grabbed my bag and stuffed myself into a bathroom stall. I decided it'd be best if I got changed their instead...totally not to cry.


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