chapter 7 : A day with Nick

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The next day I arrived at school early and got permission from the staff to work on our art project instead of attending classes.
The whole day was pretty boring until the end of the school day and since it was Friday, we finished an hour earlier.
I patiently waited for Nick outside the school gate.

Suddenly, Molly hopped over to me with a girl same age as us. She was wearing a dark forest, green hijab that complimented her uniform and a bright pink backpack which was filled with a bunch of different key chains.

"Simon!!" She chirped, dragging her friend along with her.

"Simon hi! This is Maya...Maya this is Simon, shake hands" she grinned.
Me and Maya awkwardly shook hands as Molly shrieked in the background.

"Hiya, I heard plenty about you." She smiled.

"Oh really? I hope it's all good things.."

"Of course it was silly! I won't tell her about your embarrassing interactions..yet." Molly snickered, her tone of voice made me unsure whether she was joking or not.

"Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come to town with us?"

"Oh uh- Sorry, I've already got plans."

"Oooo, did you find yourself a boyfriennnndd??" She chuckled, giving me a small nudge on the shoulder.

"Uh- no. I'm meeting with Nick for the project." I replied, the both of them looked at me like I was crazy.

"Oh" she mumbled after a moment of silence.

"Welp, goodluck with that dude" she continued as she pursed her lips. She gave me a quick pat on the back before leaving with her friend to town.

I sat alone on the school gate for a couple of minutes until Nick finally came up to me.

"You actually waited for me?" He asked, suprised to see me.

"Yeah, we've a project to be doing." I replied coldly, I won't let him think he's special.

"Fair point." He shrugged. I jumped off the gate and we made our way across town. We stopped at a hardware shop, hoping to find some magnets and with our luck, we did.

"Thank you!" I yelped as we left the store. I turned to face Nick who was glued to his phone. Also yes, he did have an iPhone 13, what's with everyone owning the newest iphones!!?

"The arts and crafts store is half across town, we should call my butler to drive us there."

"Butler??" I scoffed, let me guess he also owns a lamborghini!

"Yes. His name's Matthew, he's quite nice actually."

"Hm.." I mumbled quietly as he rang his butler. Unsure of what to do, I just awkwardly looked at him. Swaying my feet back and forth on the side of the street.

"Hello Matthew, I was wondering if you're available for a pick up?...ah great- I'm at Bensons Street outside Jack's hardware store...thank you." Nick requested over the phone before finally hanging up and looking me dead in the eye.

"He'll be here in 15 minutes. In the meanwhile, we could buy a snack from the shop across us?" He continued, still staring at me with his stupid cocky expression he always does.
Ugh how I hate him. Of course he's rich with a butler. Of course he's academically and physically perfect!!

"Uh sure..why not." I responded dryly, we walked up to a small corner shop across the street and went to the sweets section. Unsurprisingly, he got a low calorie protein bar as a 'treat'.
Which made me feel like the unhealthiest person on earth picking up a pack of skittles despite my skinny, stick like figure.

"Want me to pay for those?" He asked as he noticed me frowning at my pack of skittles. Not him trying to be nice..he knows damn well what he's doing

I rolled my eyes as I continued to complain about him in my mind.

"Did I say something rude?" He asked, furrowing his brows.

"What no- sorry uhhhh" I shook my head, anxiously looking around for an excuse.

"Uhh I just saw these sweets...Nerds, they're called. They're pretty inaccurate cause- they don't look like you at all- heh.." I chuckled nervously. He just looked at me blankly, his hands crossed.

Then out of nowhere he let out a small giggle.
"Okay weirdo." He smirked before grabbing my pack of skittles and paying by the counter.
Strangely enough, I managed to convince him. The only bad side to it is that now he thinks I'm stupid.

After a few minutes of waiting outside the store like abandoned children, the butler finally came in a shiny, black Audi. A tall, tan man around 40 with a clean, shaven beard stepped out of the car. He wore a full black suit with a striped blue tie.
He quickly opened our doors for us and got back into the car.

The both of us sat at the back of the car as he began to drive off.
"So Nick, may I be introduced to your friend here?" Matthew smiled, quickly glancing at his front view mirror.

"This is Simon Cooper, he just recently transferred here. We're just doing a project together."

"Ah, hello Simon, where are you from originally?" He smiled, his eyes glued to the road.

"Oh um- this small town called Offaly..but my dad was Italian and my mom was half Irish, half Greek heh."

"Ah, mister worldwide aren't ya?" He giggled, the both us let out a small chuckle.

"Yeah uh- Nick..where are you from actually?" I asked. I'm not curious at all, I just don't want it to get awkward..

"My father is Korean meanwhile, my mother is Irish. I was born in Ireland though."

"And I'm just Irish, sorry to disappoint boys!" Interrupted Matthew, all of us chuckled. The rest of the car ride was actually very nice, we had a bunch of different conversations and shared giggles and laughs.

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