chapter 10 : The perfect day [Nicks POV]

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[Nicks POV]

I quickly sprung out of bed as my early morning alarm beeped. I neatly folded my covers into a perfect cube and gently placed my pillows to lean against the velvet headboard.

And of course, the daily - perfectly timed knock on the door.
"Nick sir, dinner is ready. Come down when you're ready." Exclaimed a voice behind the door.
"Alright thank you Matthew I'll be down in just a moment!" I responded chirpingly before storming into my closet room to get dressed.

I put on my uniform, brushed my teeth and gelled my hair. I quickly gave myself a glance in the mirror, admiring my beautifully sculpted features in all their glory.
"Looking good Nick" I winked playfully, a big smirk spread across my face.

"Oh why thank you! I know!!" I continued with a chuckle. Clearing my throat, I left my room and headed downstairs to the kitchen. My father was already at the table, silently reading through his newspapers.

"Good morning Mr Kwon." I greeted him, tucking a napkin into my shirt before digging into the delicious cuisine prepared by our maids. Eggs and bacon! And beans for extra flavour but of course, eggs and bacon sounds better.

"No, it's indeed not a good morning. I just lost one of my very important clients." My father scoffed, taking a sip of his regular black coffee.

The room fell completely silent. I've decided it was best to just leave him alone. We don't want to be the cause of another wrinkle!

Suddenly, one of his men- dressed in suits of course, quietly whispered something to him and the both of them stormed off. Nobody but me remained at the kitchen table, oh well.

This morning was going too perfectly, most of the time he doesn't even show up for breakfast. If anything this was one of the better days.

I'm not trying to pity myself, it's not all bad. Afterall, I've Matthew, one of my fathers best associates. He's a very kind man, he's always been taking care of me since I was a young boy.
Believe it or not, I was bullied once and to put things shortly, he really showed them who's boss.

I don't know what I'd do without him.

"Would you like anything else sir?" Matthew asked with his low, husky voice.
If I have to be honest, I slightly envy him.
When I was a child, my father told me that men with a deep voice, good posture and a strong handshake are always well respected, in and out of business.
And ever since then i've dreamt of having a deep voice just like his. But alas, I'm stuck with my mundane-midtone voice, forever to be underappreciated.

That's just the harsh ways of life I'm afraid, what can one do about it?

"No I'm quite alright, thank you!" I replied as I awkwardly sat in my seat, admiring the view from outside my window.

I often wish I were a bird instead of human. Just flap my wings around and go wherever I please, no care in the world. My only worries being food, shelter, possible predators and finding a mate.

Which I suppose isn't that far off from being human but...weirdly enough, it sounds a lot more freeing.


Matthew gave me a quick drive to school and wished me a good day before driving off to attend other matters.
I fixed up my hair, held my head up high and stepped into the school building.

All eyes glaring at me. Whispers from the ladies circle, probably gossiping about how handsome I look. I don't blame them at all.

"Heyy lad, looking chipper this morning eh??" Chuckled one of the boys, giving me an aggressive pat on the back which made me recoil.
The rest of my friends laughed after him.

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