chapter 12 : show some love

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[Simons POV]

At last, it's Friday. End of yet another miserable week but hey, at least Molly and Joshua agreed to meet up with me after school today.
Oh and of course, that party on Saturday that I'm forced to go my sister can't handle herself. Ugh.

Anytime there's boys involved, my grandma goes nuts. I mean she's right to worry, there's some proper weirdos at this school but she's able to handle herself much better than me.

Whenever boys from my class make fun of me I just soak it up and try to forget about it, hoping they will too.

If anything she's the one protecting me.

"Simonnn wait up!!" Molly shouted across the hall as she ran up to me.
I slowed down my pace and waited for her.

"What do we have now???" She asked in a panic.

"Well I've chemistry, I don't know what about you though." I responded as we walked down the hall together.

"Oh! I've music then, welp I'll just walk with you then since it's the same way. How are ya feeling Simon?"

"Oh yeah...I'm good, he hasn't bothered me today yet so, there's that. What about you?" I smiled weakly.

"That's good! Well I personally--"

"Simon! Hey, I finished our project!!" Nick ran up to me and Molly with the project. Dark circles under his eyes.

Oh jeez...

I quickly looked around in embarrassment to make sure nobody saw what was happening.

Molly just stood beside me, just as speechless as I was.

"Oh hello...Molly, yes? Good afternoon." He cleared his throat as he realised I wasn't alone.

Of course, because why would he show any interest towards me around my friend. I rolled my eyes.

"Anyways, yes as I said previously. I finished the project so-"

"So we don't have to meet ever again? Great. Well done, another point for you Nick." I interrupted before he could finish, I couldn't bare hear him say it first.

"Did you come here to gloat??" I continued bitterly, his face immediately dropped. I felt bad but I knew it was just another one of his games.

I can't let him get into my head again.

"No I- Simon may we speak in private?"

"No, we can't actually."

Molly awkwardly took one step back and interrupted, making my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Actually....I need to go to class so..uhh, I'll let you guys talk it out!! See ya later Simon!" She smiled awkwardly before hopping away. Leaving me and Nick all alone in the hall. 


"Simon, I stayed up all night trying to finish our project for you...I wanted to show you that I care." He said softly as he looked at me with his black, puppy eyes.

"Why didn't you say that in front of Molly?" I asked, catching him off gaurd.

"Excuse me?"

"Why are you so afraid of people knowing about us??"

He shook his head,
"I don't understand."

"You say you care and that we're friends but the moment someone else is around, you act like I'm a nobody. So which is it???"

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