chapter 16 : The great white lie

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[Simons POV]

I've been trying to study all weekend since the Christmas exams are coming up this week however, I couldn't stop thinking about what Molly told me.

I don't understand...I mean I tried to include her whenever Nick was around but she just refuses to talk to him.
I'm not trying to blame her for feeling left out but at the same time, i do feel it's partially her fault.

She could at least pretend to like him.


"Simonnn, stop being a nerd we have to go to school. What happened to you being the early one??" Lydia shouted from the stairs.

"Yep, in a sec!" I shouted back, packing all my books into my bag before sprinting outside into school.

I arrived at school and quickly went to my locker, grabbing whatever books I needed for the study class.

However, I noticed people whispering and giving me 'hidden' glances.

"Joshua, what's happening??" I asked as Joshua ran up to me.
"Whys everyone so...focused on me.."

He looked at me silently for a second, his eyes wide.
"Not just you...they're talking about Nick too."
"I didn't want to tell you since the exams are going on but...apparently at the party, someone saw you walking out of a bedroom with Nick...holding hands- now I'm not judging but uh-"

"Oh - my - god" I gasped, realising how bad the situation really looked. My mind immediately went to Nick, I wonder how he was feeling, did he even know??

" it true?" Joshua asked in a whisper.

"Well yes but- not like that!! Nothing happened between us! We're FRIENDS?!" I shrieked back quietly.

"Oh..well, that's not so bad then I guess." He shrugged. Is he insane?!

"What? What do you mean it's NOT THAT BAD?? Nick is going to be furious and then unfriend me and-" I rambled, slowly loosing my breath.

Suddenly, Joshua grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes.
"Simon, look at me, breathe. He seems like a nice and understanding guy. Besides its not yours or his fault. Just focus on what's important, your exams."

I nodded and took a deep breath in...and out.

"Don't worry about it, I'll try to find out who started the rumour and deal with it meanwhile you focus on your studies, okay?" He continued as I nodded.

"Thanks Joshua" I smiled. He let go of my shoulders and gave me a small nudge.

"Of course, love you man." He waved before leaving me alone in the hallways. It was time to go to class anyways so I didn't mind.
I just really hope Nick is okay.


I went to my study class and tried to look over my Irish notes. It was so hard to focus when everyone in the room was giving my looks once in a while. Reminding me of the grave mistake I made.

Either way, after the hour study was up and it was time for the test. All I had to do was try my best and that's what I did.

Once we were done, it was break time.
I sprinted over to our willow tree and awaited my friends on the grassy hill.
After a couple of minutes, Joshua came.

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