chapter 17 : Hiding [Nicks POV]

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[Nicks POV]

CW : this chapter has themes of homophobia, proceed with caution.

After we escaped the party we drove to the ice cream shop and decided flavours for each other.
Simon bought me oreo-cookie ice cream which was delicious meanwhile, I bought Simon mint-chip chocolate, I think he really liked it.

I can't lie, hanging out with Simon felt like a great break from everything.
I'm so glad I've got a friend like him, he makes me feel at peace.

Once I arrived home after the party, I immediately collapsed onto my bed. I was exhausted yet, liberated. I felt unstoppable...however, I was later proved otherwise.

the next morning I was woken up early by Matthew, he said it was urgent. What could possibly be so important that he wakes me up an hour earlier?

I made my bed and quickly got dressed, headed down to the kitchen, awaiting my breakfast but instead I was met with an empty table and my father giving me a death glare.
This can't be good.

"Good morning Mr everything alright?" I asked anxiously, digging at the skin on my fingers.

"No, Nick." He remarked abruptly.

"What's this?" He asked as he showed me a picture of me and Simon holding hands.
My heartbeat flew through the roof at that moment.

"W-where did you find that...?" I stuttered, how was this picture taken and how did my father get a hold of it so quickly???

"Nick- there are rumours that you and some boy named Simon are dating? Who is that boy?? Hm??" He continued to interview me, his voice taking on a more bitter tone.

Suddenly he stood up and towered over me, his eyes narrow.

"Are you a faggot Nick??" He asked with a gnarly voice. I found it hard to catch my breath, I didn't know what to do or say.


"No? What's this then?? WHAT IS THIS NICK???"

"I-i..." I stuttered, completely and utterly dumbfounded. I was always quick to come up with excuses but for whatever reason I simply couldn't now. How can one prove a photograph to be false?

As I was lost in thought, my father slapped me across the face making my cheek turn pink.
"You're nothing but a disappointment. This isn't how I raised you!? Your mother will be so disgusted with you once she finds out!" He hissed before pacing around the room, his fingers pressed against his bridge, trying to calm his nerves.

"Have you even considered what my colleagues will think of me?? How this will affect our business?!" He continued in a shout.

"I'm deeply sorry father- I admit..I do associate myself with that boy but he is nothing but a friend!!. The both of us are straight- he actually has a girlfriend!"

He turned to look back at me as I rambled on.

"The truth is...I drank at the was for a stupid drinking game and I had a little too much. He was just helping me make my way home! You may ask Matthew!!" I chuckled, anxiously awaiting his response but nothing.
He stared at me blankly for a good minute, he was lost in thought.

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