chapter 24 : Racing heart

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(Simons POV)

"Omg Salmon, you're so slow these days!" Lydia rolled her eyes as she waited for me down the stairs.
"I'm gonna leave without you if you don't hurry Salmon!!" She yelled once again, I groaned before storming down the stairs with my heavy bag.
"There you are, Salmon." She smirked. She knew that nickname was annoying me...cheeky little bastard.

"Alright we'll see you later nan! Love youu!!" I shouted out before shutting the door behind us. The journey to school began.

"You're coming to my soccer match today right?" Lydia asked in a somewhat threatening tone.
"Pfftt- do I have a choice??"
She shook her head, that's a no.

"Well I would invite you to the school play but you'd probably fall asleep." I rolled my eyes until I noticed her face lighten up.
"School play-What school play??" She sparked catching me off gaurd.
"Oh's a shakespearian play on Romeo and Juliet. Since I'm in the art class, I was in charge of painting the set and the props...with a few other people of course."

"Okay, whatever. Who's playing???" She asked, completely ignoring what I said.
Okay, ouch.

"Sean Murphys playing Romeo, yikes....Ellie Hart is playing Juliet, Darragh as Mercutio, uhh Malcolm as Benvolio, some others aswell...even I get to play a part." I replied as the grin on her face grew. My brow raised.
"Why are you so excited...who are you?" I chuckled in complete confusion.
"No reason...when is it?" She grinned, this was unlike her.

"Um, it's next week. I already told nan all the details so just ask her." I smiled before she nodded her head and hopped off into school, I followed behind her.


I walked up to my locker and caught Joshua on the way, we had a small chat and walked across the hall until we saw Nick with his 'friends'.

"Whyda break up with your one? She was so fit." One of his friends raised his voice.
"If ye are done, can I go for her??" Another one asked making me feel nothing but disgust. Clearly, Joshua felt the same..maybe even more than me since he decided to approach them. Uh oh...

"What did you just say?" He asked as he towered over them.
"We were talkin about Nick's girl, they broke up though. Yanno what that means? I can ho--" Sean chuckled before Joshua interrupted him.
"Her name is Cecily, have some respect." He hissed, giving him the death glare.

"What's up your arse?" Sean replied before giving Joshua a light push.
"Go on, do that again. See how this ends for you." Joshua replied as he stared into his eyes. The boys around them howled as they watched hell break loose.
"Stop it Sean." Nick demanded, I've never been happier to see him defend our side.
"I didn't even do anythin, ye lads are nuts!" He scoffed as he backed away from Joshua.
"If I hear you talking about Cecily like that one more time, I swear to fucking God I'll make you hurt." Joshua continued, his tone low and grizzly. I can't lie, I was kind of scared for Sean and I don't even like the guy.

"She's a normal human fucking being with emotions so treat her like one. But for your own sake...I hope I don't ever find you around her." He continued, his fingers pointing down at Sean. Even though he tried to hide it, it was visible that he felt scared of Josh.
"Alright whatever, loverboy." He chuckled trying to act cool in front of his friends.

"I would also like to add to what Joshua said..Your behaviour has always disgusted me. You constantly objectifying women, making fun of the lower class, ridiculing people for 'acting gay'..? Which I don't see why it should be any of your business in the first place. Spreading rumours about me and Simon was certainly too far gone..did you enjoy the show? Was it worth it??" Nick stepped forward before continuing.
"And this applies to all of you, not just Sean. I'm ashamed to have ever called you my friends." He continued, their faces all perplexed and shocked.
I felt so proud of him.

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