chapter 6 : The Bet

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Once we stepped into the house I was greeted by my grandparents, my pa looked at me in shock. His eyes were wide open.

"Hello there...?" He said raising a brow.

"Hello, my name is Nick Kwon, nice to meet you." He smiled with pride and confidence as he shook his hand.

"Hello dear! Simon, is this one of your friends?" Nan grinned as she squeezed Nicks cheek.

"Oh you're a muscly fellow aren't you?" She chuckled. Nick awkwardly chuckled back but you could tell he was uncomfortable.

"Um- no he's just in my class. We're doing a project together." I responded coldly.

"Well then, I'll leave you boys to it! I'll call you whenever dinners ready." She smiled weakly before giving me a kiss on the cheek. 

"After you." I called to Nick. Before I could follow him, my pa grabbed me by the shoulder and whispered in my ear.

"You're not uh...?"


"Alright then...don't forget to show him who's boss!" He Whispered in a chant, raising his fist up.

"Pfftt okay pa." I snickered before Nick called me and I had to head upstairs.

"You've got a nice house."

"It's a real mansion isn't it." I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"It's small, like you." He snickered which just annoyed me.

"Let's just get this project done. The faster we do it the better." I mumbled as we sat down on my bed.

"Also before you judge me,no I don't do my homework on the bed. I usually do it downstairs at the kitchen table. I don't have a fancy office like you probably do." I continued bitterly. He just looked at me silently before taking out his school tablet and laying back on my bed.

"We should probably go shopping tomorrow." He replied as he slicked his hair back, his eyes glued to the tablet.

"Um..okay..." I mumbled sheepishly. The room fell silent for a couple of minutes. I looked at him working away, slowly building up courage to ask him something.


"Hm?" He mumbled as he typed his notes.

"Why didn't you pick someone else for the project?"


"I're Nick Kwon..always bossing others around. I just thought you'd pay the teacher to replace me."

"So you do know who I am?" He grinned, turning his head to face me.

"Pfft I wish I didn't." I mumbled to myself but still loud enough for him to hear it.

"Well the truth is, I wanted to get to know you better, find out your weakness and make you lose the bet."

I looked at him with a puzzled face, I was completely lost.

"I'm just messing with yo-"

"what- what bet??"

"Thought we agreed to a challenge of some sort." He said as he sat up on the bed.

"We did?? Oh well uhh...we can make one now?" I replied as I pursed my lips, nervously fidgeting with my fingers.

"Hm, alright. Whoever receives the best end of year results will have their wish granted. If I win which, I will. You'll have to do anything I tell you to for the rest of next year." He smirked as he leaned in closer to me.

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