chapter 23 : What I want [Nicks POV]

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[Nicks POV]

"You did what now??" Cecily jumped up in shock as the both of us sat on my bed, gossiping like children.
I wasn't usually the one to gossip but I couldn't hold back this information, I needed to quickly fix it.

"Yeah uh..but I just blurted it out, I don't know how I feel- is that bad?? I feel awful." I groaned, burying my face in the palm of my hands.
"No I don't think so, it's not like you confessed to him or anything." She shrugged, her words had brought me some ease. She was right afterall, I had made no advances towards Simon, for all he knows we are nothing but friends.

"How do you feel around him though?" She asked with a raised brow.
I took a deep breathe in, trying to form thoughts around the subject.
"I don't know...I suppose I feel safe? Comfortable. Like I can tell him anything without judgement. Everything feels much easier." I replied with a little smile.

There was a momentary pause between us, I had a feeling she was examining me.
Finally, she responded with a smirk.
"Your cheeks are red and your breath sped up...yup, you've got a crush!" She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Wha- don't be ridiculous...I'm not--"

"Oh come on Nick, it's time to be honest with yourself." Cecily interrupted with a more serious tone. Her diamond blue eyes staring into my soul.
My nails digging deep into the crevices of my fingers, I started to panic.

"But- what about my father? Or Simon??"

"What about them?" Cecily asked as she turned her head.

"Well my father most definitely doesn't approve. He believes I must get married to a woman and carry on the business through generations. Besides, it's humiliating accidentally telling your father you have feelings...for a man, a man that I have no more than a friendship with. Simon needs a friend, I can't be that for him with my feelings being in the way. I'll make him uncomfortable and--"

Suddenly, she grabbed me by the shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes, once again.

"You're spiraling, just take a deep breath, okay?" Cecily continued before the both of us took a deep inhale, held it for a moment--
and exhaled.

It felt refreshing despite all the thoughts running through my head.
"Are you alright?" She asked gently, I nodded in response before we were interrupted by an loud knock on the door.

"Sorry to bother you Mr.Kwon but you have a visitor." Matthew smiled as he found himself halfway in the hall and halfway in my bedroom which he usually didn't do unless it was urgent. I sprung out of bed and made my way to the living room. Cecily stayed behind.


As I turned corners, I saw a woman with dark brown hair, neatly tied into a bun sitting on the sofa.
There was a glass of champagne in her hand.
It took me an embarrassingly long time to realise that the woman sitting in my living room was in fact my mother. It's been so long since I've seen her.
"Mother...?" I muttered in disbelief.

Her head quickly turned to face me, she stood up.
I was quickly welcomed by her warm smile and cosy embrace.
"Hey Nick, it's been a while" She proceeded with a soft tone.
I hadn't realised just how much I missed her and suddenly remembered what home really felt like.

"Your father had told me you weren't doing too well so I came as soon as I could. Talk to me Nick, what's wrong?" She asked, lightly pulling away from me.
"The truth is, my grades have slipped and the competitions are well..against me. But it's just a small slip up! I'll quickly fix it as if nothings ever happened. I'm truly sorry mother, it won't happen again."

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