chapter 22 : You weren't supposed to hear this

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A few weeks had passed since the New years and everyone was settling in fine.
Joshua came back from Spain looking super fit and tan, Molly and I are closer than before, The friend group is doing well, especially since Cecily has started hanging out with us now.
And most importantly, me and Nick have become a whole lot closer. I'm not sure in what way though..I mean, ever since the kiss he's been treating me differently. I can't describe it, maybe more...gentle?

I'm not sure but I kind of need it to stop, he's too good at filling my delusions.
I'm not saying he's gay because he kissed me on the cheek but..Joshua had never done that so...why did Nick?


I took a deep breathe in before entering my chemistry classroom.
Once I came in I was immediately greeted by Mr Gorman. He always knew me and Nick liked to come in early therefore, came in early himself so we wouldn't have to stand in the halls. It was sweet that he cared for us. It's small things like this that make the school days better.

"Heya Simon, how ya holding up?" He asked with a grin, awkwardly adjusting his glasses.
"I'm alright" I replied before sitting down at my desk.

"Hey, um...would you happen to know when we're getting our Christmas exam results back?" I asked.

"Today actually." He said with his eyes closed. For whatever reason, he tried to hide his excitement.

"Would you like your test back now?"

"Yes please."

He nodded and took out his massive folder which was overflowing with paper. It looked like it was about to burst.

He ruffled through all the tests before eventually finding mine. He quickly took it out and came over to my desk.
"You did excellent Simon, massive improvement from the start of the year!" He smiled as he gave me a pat on the back.

I looked down at the paper to see a whopping 98%
At that moment I felt like screaming and roaring in joy, maybe even dancing!
Science was never my strong suit yet here I was, looking down at my well earned 98.
I couldn't help but squeek in joy, this year was off to a great start.

"Oh hello Nick! I was just giving Simon your tests back. Would you like to see yours?" He exclaimed as Nick sat down beside me. Nick gave him a nod and was given his test.

Nick was dead silent. He stared at it for quite some time but his expression was hard to read.
"So, how'd you do?" I asked with a gentle tone.
"Same as usual..perfect." He smiled bitterly before burying his head into his book. That's when I realised something wasn't quite right but I decided not to question him about it. He'll tell me if he wants to.

"Are you nervous for the swimming competition?" I asked, trying to change the topic.
"I completely forgot about it to be honest." He chuckled to himself. "That was a lie, I am freaking out."

I took his hand and smiled reassuringly. "I've seen you swimming, you're excellent. I'm sure- no, I know you're going to do well." I assured him as he shook his head.
"I am excellent, but so is Joshua" Nick paused before quietly murmuring to himself. "He should have stayed in Spain." I heard him say. I gave him a quick slap on the arm before the both of us broke into laughter.

"Don't tell him I said this but I'm actually rooting for you." I whispered into his ear, he couldn't help but smile causing his cheeks to turn pink.
"I won't tell a soul." He smirked before the bell rang and everyone came rushing in. Class had begun.

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