chapter 14 : party princess

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It was finally was Saturday aka party day.

I put on my red silk, buttoned up shirt with ripped black jeans and a bracelet me and my friends made last night.

It would be an understatement to say I looked hella good. Maybe my sister has a good sense of fashion.

"Simoonnnn!! Hurry up, were gonna be late!" She yelled all the way from the downstairs hall.

I stormed down the stairs and put on my black converse meanwhile my sister was adjusting her hair in the mirror.

"You guys look wonderful, My beauties!" Nan smiled before giving the both of us a kiss on the cheek.

Surprisingly, she didn't seem to mind Lydia's daring dress.

"I hope you guys have fun! Simon make sure to watch over her!!" She continued, giving me the daring eye. I nodded in approval and gave her a quick hug.

"Bye nan, love you!!" The both us grinned as we walked out the house.

The both of us stepped into the car, where our grandpa was awaiting us and made our way to the party.

This night may be long...


We found ourselves outside a big mansion near the woods so there'd be no complaints from the neighbours.

We said our goodbyes to Pa and walked inside. We were immediately struck by the sounds of loud, booming music.
Tons of people dancing in the middle of the ballroom.
There were different flashing lights from lime to velvet.

This was a real first real party.
Which explains why Lydia was a lot more calm than I was..well actually, I wouldn't say calm. Just more..prepared?

She jumped into the crowd, leaving me completely alone. But I refused, I had to take care of her.

"Lydia!! You can't leave me remember? I have to take care of you!!!" I shouted over the roaring music. She just rolled her eyes. The audacity!

"Simon, thank you for caring but it was a cover up. You can do whatever, I can handle myself!" She yelled back while swinging her arms around.

She was right, she handles herself really well...and maybe this could be my chance to blend in with everyone else.

"Alright, stay you sister!!!" I shouted as I started to walk away.

"You too!!!" She replied into the crowd.

And now, I was all alone. What does one do at parties? Drink? Im definitely not doing that!

Oh I know- I could go find Molly!!

And that's exactly what I did, I searched for a tall, curly haired girl. It wasn't easy but in the end, I found her with an unexpected crowd.

She was chatting up the schools cheerleaders. But particularly the most popular one, Ellie.
She's a pretty big deal in our school.

She's the owner of the cheerleading group, she has amazing grades and most importantly, all the boys swoon over her. Which as a gay man, I really don't blame them because she's gorgeous.

There were rumours at some point of Nick and Ellie dating and I fully believed them only to be told she was with some random dimitri kid.

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