Chan & Felix💤

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Top: Chan

Bottom: Felix

Plot: Chan is working overtime in the studio. Felix comes in and falls asleep on the couch, holding a note for his Channie to find.

Kinks: Somnophilia

(Chan's POV)

I sit back down at my desk, re-listening to the same clips over and over. It's going to be a long night. There are so many tasks I need to get done, and it's already midnight. I settle down, beginning to get through some of the work when I am interrupted by the studio door opening.

"Hi Channie...don't mind me, I'm just going to keep you company," Felix says, kissing me on the cheek before laying on the couch next to my desk. It was only a matter of time before my boyfriend would fall asleep. So much for keeping me company, I think.

I keep working until my creative flow is broken and I get stumped on a song. I toss my headphones down and glance over at the sleeping boy on the couch to ease my frustration. He has one of his stuffies in his arms, and adhered to the fluffy fur of the plushie is a note:

...hi channie, i know you are stressed, so here i am, completely helpless. have fun my channie ;)

I peer down at the sleeping boy, watching his chest rise and fall. I seat myself next to him on the couch and pick him up, placing his limp body to rest against my chest. I run my hands under his (my) sweatshirt, tracing lines across his toned body before tugging the sweater over his head. Sitting between his legs, I lay him down on his back and kiss my way from his neck, all the way down to his waist. I curl my fingers over the incredibly short booty shorts that he was wearing and pull them down. My breath hitched as I saw the black lace panties that he was wearing.

I palm the small boy beneath me through the pretty panties, not wanting to take them off of him. He hardens under my touch, lightly moaning, but doesn't wake up. I stand up to grab the half-empty bottle of lube from my desk and quickly sit back down. Kissing along the boy's milky thighs, I realize that even when he's asleep, he's so sensitive to even the smallest of touches.

I trail down to his entrance and give it a slow lick, hearing his noises getting louder. I begin thrusting my tongue into the boy beneath me to hear more of his whines, except now they were more intense. I slide a finger in next to my tongue. I pull back to put some lube on my fingers and heat it up before placing two of them on his rim. I thrust my fingers into him, moving them in a scissor-like motion to open him up. After some time I sense that he is close, and having mercy for my boyfriend, I pull my fingers out and reposition myself before slowly pushing back in. I groan at the heat and tightness, hearing him rustle in his sleep. I pull out once more before thrusting back into him one last time - and harshly.

"AAAAHHHH," Felix screams, awakened from his sleep. I still my movements.

"Hi, baby," I mutter.

"Oh, hi Channie - I see you got my note," he responds.

I chuckle, as I lean down to his ear and whisper, "Of course baby, how could I resist such an offer?"

"Uh-huh Channie...please move," Felix says, pressing himself back onto me. I pull him into a kiss while I begin to move my hips.

"Fuckk Channie," Felix moans out.

"Baby, are you close?" I ask. Seeing him nod, I tightly grab ahold of his shaft, jerking him off in pace with my thrusts.

"Cum for me baby," I say. I groan as he tightens, becoming slightly sensitive from overstimulation. He audibly moans and arches his back - I'm sent over the edge. I finish by releasing deep inside of him.

I look back down to see that he had fallen back asleep. I lean over and readjust us both, before falling asleep next to my Felix.

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