Changbin & Hyunjin 🐶

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Sub-top (switch): Changbin

Dom-bottom: Hyunjin

Plot: Hyunjin arrives home stressed. Changbin, being the good puppy he is, helps him.

Kinks: Pet play, (light) overstimulation

(Changbin's POV)

I'm sitting patiently in my cage, anticipating when Hyunjin will come back home. I would trot around, but I remain in place. I want be a good boy and stay in the cage for when he gets home.

I'm wearing my favorite black puppy ears, a thick black collar, and my favorite tail.
I hear the front door latch open - he's home. I stay sitting, waiting for Hyunjin to come to me in the bedroom. I can see him from where I stay and can't help but notice that he seems frustrated. He walks over to my cage, opening the front and guiding me by my leash to the bed. Finally.

"Hi, Puppy," he says as he lays me on my back. "I see that you're all pretty for Master." He loops a finger under my collar, pulling my face up to his. "Does Puppy want to help me?"

I nod feverishly, knowing better than to open my mouth and speak.

"Good," he says. He sits back, pulling his shirt off before diving down to give me a kiss. He doesn't hesitate to deepen the kiss by forcing his tongue in my mouth, easily dominating. I moan into the kiss as I feel him grind is clothed crotch against my bare one.

" puppy needy, all excited to help his master?" he asks rhetorically.

I frantically nod my head and receive more friction in response. He leans back and removes his pants and boxers, leaving him completely nude. I clench my hands at my sides. I'm refraining from running them all over his body, but I know better than to do that without permission.

"Go ahead puppy, you can touch me," he remarks.

I gladly comply, my hands immediately finding their way to his sides and toned stomach. He suddenly stops me, turning himself around so his back is facing me.

"Here, be a good boy and prep Master," he says, sassily swaying his hips in my face. I put my fingers in my mouth, coating them before placing them at his rim. I prep him, slowly and softly as I'm supposed to.

"My God, good job're doing so good for me," he moans out as I press my digits directly into his sweet spot.
"That's good Puppy, now just sit still and let Master use you. If you're a good boy, you will get a reward as always," he says. Again, I nod frantically and then immediately still myself, holding my hands tightly at my sides.

"Good boy," he says while aligning my dick to his hole. He slowly sinks down - I moan at the tightness and warmth. He almost immediately starts with his movements, bouncing himself steadily with his hands rested on my shoulders for support. Honestly, the sole view of Hyunjin was all it took for me to near my high at an alarmingly fast rate.

"Masterrrr," I moan out.

"Shh, it's okay baby, you can cum but I'm not going to stop," he says while caressing my cheek with his hand. At that, I came, spilling deep into Hyunjin. He kept his word; the whole time, he never stopped. And he continued. Soon, it was becoming quite painful. Overstimulation racked through my body and every bounce sent shivers of pain. Hot tears welled in my eyes and streamed down my face.

"Oh, puppy can't take it? Can puppy not be a good boy and help Master out?" Hyunjin says in a mocking tone.

"N-noo, Puppy can take it, please keep moving master..."

"Good puppy," he says while leaning down to cover my hickey-covered neck in even more. His hip movements became erratic and random. We'd done this enough for me to know that it meant he was close to his high.

"Fuck Puppy, I'm going to cum," he says, and soon after he does. I whimper as he pulls off of me. Despite the overstimulation, I'm already hard again.

"My Puppy, you did so well! Master is proud of you, how about I give you the reward you've earned?"

I nod for the last time, desperately wanting the reward he would give me this time. Something told me that it would be good.

"Okay Puppy, how about I suck you off - and maybe I'll even let you fuck my pretty mouth, got it?"

Hyunjin doesn't wait for a responsive nod. He lowers himself off the bed and onto his knees, pulling my waist to bring me to the edge of the frame. He gently grabs the base of my cock and swirls his tongue over the tip before fully putting me in his mouth. I moan loudly, slightly sensitive from earlier but still finding pleasure in every moment. Hyunjin bobs his head at a rapid pace, only stopping to signal me to fuck his mouth by tapping my thigh.

I thrust into his throat and look down to see drool running down his chin and his hair messily falling into his face. His slightly fucked out-state sends me overboard.

"Mmh...Master...I'm going to cum!" I scream, as I quickly finish down his throat. He swallows all of it. He snuggles me as we both quickly fall asleep out of exhaustion.


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