Changbin & Felix

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Chanbin x Felix

Top: Changbin

Bottom: Felix

Plot: Changbin gets to his college dorm for the first time just to learn that his roommate is the infamously innocent goody-too shoes from his highschool. One day after a bit of living together he lets his urges to corrupt the boy overtake.

Kinks: corruption, somnophilia( not really but a tiny bit ig), cross dressing, first times, wayyyy to many nicknames


(Changbins pov)

Packing up the last of my stuff into my car and turning back to my family. hugging and saying my goodbys, not feeling the pressure or sadness of disconnect due to my colledge only being three hours away. One last pat on the back from my dad, and I'm off, driving towards college for my freshman year.

~~after the drive~~

Arriving at the dorms, I grabbed the bulk of my essentials and headed in, planning to unpack the bulk of my stuff, hopefully with the help of my roommate, whom I haven't met. Being the second group of freashmen to move in leaves the perks of having a roommate to help move but the cons of having less overall time to move. I made my way up the stairs to the third floor, where my room was. At the far end of the hall, I see my room. Unlocking the door, I see the small foyer and small kitchen.

"Hello?" I call out. I don't hear or answer, but there is some shuffling in the bedroom portion of the small flat. I set my bag on the kitchen counter and headed into the room. I walk in to see a small boy with his headphone on, frantically tidying up the space. I could hear the music through the headphones; no wonder he couldn't hear me. I linger in my spot, simply observing the boy. His blond hair and small frame were oddly familiar. He turns around, frantically trying to move some stuff, causing him to bump into me.

"Ahh!" he yells. Pulling off his headphones, he readjusts himself.

"Hello, I'm your roommate; my name is Changbin," I sate.

"F-felix," he stutters out, extending his hand out for me to shake.

"No way, Felix from SKZ High School, funny running into you here," I say, shaking his hand. He flinches back from my touch but nods.


(Feliz's pov)

I can't believe I didn't hear him coming in; I'm so embarrassed. To make matters worse, he is from my high school, better yet from the popular/bad boy group in high school. The group that would always make fun of my innocence and femininity Still, I hope he didn't notice my flinch when he grabbed my hand.

"Mind helping me move the rest of my stuff in?" he asks.

"Yeah, sure," I say, internally upset about how much I stuttered in the little time that he's been here lately. We head out of the building and down the stairs, arriving at his car. He unlocks it and motions to the back while he opens the trunk. I glanced over the variety of boxes containing his possessions before grabbing a medium-sized box in hopes that it would be fairly light. He grabbed a larger box, and we headed back into the building. I was a couple steps ahead of him, not wanting to have to make more conversation where I could embarrass myself more. I dont understand why he has such an effect on me; hes just some guy from high school who is in college now. Im sure hes grown up, and I need to grow up and stop feeling so intimated and flustered around him.

After the first few loads, we were almost done. Heading down to grab the last box, I saw the way his shirt clung to his chest due to the sweat. Gosh, I can't think about him like this, but he looks so strong, like he could easily lift me up and carry me around.

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