Minho & Seungmin👼

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Top: Minho

Bottom: Seungmin

Plot: Minho and Seungmin live in a small, conservative town. Minho is the only openly gay member of the community, while Seungmin is seen as the perfect role model of the town. What happens when the two meet in a church storage room with an automatic door lock?

Kinks: Corruption (ruining innocence), semi-public


(Minho's POV)

Here I am once again, helping the church that I am forced to go be associated with. I'm tasked with sorting items into their respective storage closet, and of course, I was paired with the one and only Kim Seungmin - the perfect, goody-two-shoes pretty boy of the town. Since he's so perfect, I just let him do all of the work. I lazily sit in the storage room on my phone, half-heartedly propping the door open so it doesn't close and lock.


(Seungmin's POV)

I walk in with another load of books, which I have been transporting and organizing for the last hour. Suddenly I trip, bracing myself for the impact...but it never happens.

Instead, I feel a pair of arms holding me around my waist, stopping me from hitting the cold concrete. I stand up, muttering a "thank you" while collecting the fallen books and placing them on the shelf. It doesn't take me long to be stricken with realization - because Minho caught me, that means he let go of the door. I whip myself around to turn to him with flaming anger in my eyes.

"You had one job - hold the door. And now we're stuck here, and we won't get done on time, and-"

"Calm down, pretty boy," Minho says, catching my hands that were frantically flying around.

"How about your phone, can we use that to call someone?" I ask, nervously searching for his hidden device. I turn my eyes to the floor to see the cell phone resting on the ground where I had picked up the books. It was shattered.

"Oh...okay, so we just wait here?" I ask, handing him his broken device. He carelessly tosses it on a shelf behind him.

"Yeah, I guess," Minho says, leaning against the door.


(No one's POV)

After thirty minutes of sitting in silence, Seungmin decides to speak up.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you for letting go of the door. And I'm sorry about your phone," he says, looking down at his shoes.

"It's fine, I wanted a new one anyway," Minho replies.

"I can buy you another one once we get out," Seungmin offers.

"No - it's fine, it wasn't your fault," Minho says."But you can make it up to me."


Hmm...how about you give me a blow job?" Minho says, amused as he watches panic spread across the younger boy's face. "I'm kidding, how about you just give me a little kiss?" He emphasizes this by tapping his cheek with his finger twice.

Seungmin was hesitant but didn't want to say no and disappoint the older boy. He walked over to where Minho was sitting, his knees in front of him. Seungmin slowly leans towards Minho's face, but right before he can plant the kiss, Minho moves his head, causing it to land on his lips. Seungmin pulled back and let out a sharp gasp.

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