Jeongin & Felix🍎

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Top: Jeongin

Bottom: Felix

Plot: There's always been tension between the two, but nothing has happened. Nothing should happen. Felix is Jeongin's teacher, after all...

Kinks: Teacher-student


(Jeongin's POV)

I sit down for my favorite class of the day, creative writing. Best for last, right? You see, it's not the class content that makes me favor it over the others, nor the fact that it's the last period in my schedule. Simply put, it's the teacher. Mr. Lee. Better known as Lee Felix, as I've learned from questionable internet "research." Pathetic, I know. I never really had a thing for older guys until him, but can he even be labeled as that? He's only a few years older. Anyways...

He drones on, lecturing the concepts before we begin our next writing piece. Honestly, I'm not paying any attention to that. How could I when the teacher is far more interesting than the lesson material? I've already found out just about everything there is to know from the Internet, but it's still not enough. I mean, who could blame me? You'd understand if you saw him yourself. He's a living distraction, and most of the girls in this class know it, too. They not-so-privately chatter about how cute he is and hit on him whenever they can, but he doesn't pay them any mind. To them. With me, I swear it's different. Call me delusional, but there's always been some sort of tension between us. The lingering stares. The accidental, brushed touches. The perfect grades I'm always getting, despite my laziness as graduation nears.

Time flies by, as this hour tends to when my mind wanders. Before I know it, everyone else is stuffing their bags, zipping them up, and heading out the door. I snap out of my trance and start doing the same, but my eyes never leave his as I pack up. Felix must've mistaken my eye contact for me having a question because he starts approaching.

"How was today's class?" he asks, head tilted to the right. "I didn't bore you too much, did I?"

"No, no - it was good," I reply, keeping my cool. His mere presence does things to me, but the past two semesters have given me a lot of practice with masking it.

"Okay. Just wanted to make sure, because it seemed like you were a little..."

He pauses, and glances out the window.

"...a little dazed."

Oh fuck. He noticed, didn't he? I thought I was better at this.

"Aheh, no. Just a little...distracted, that's all," I say, internally scolding myself for not being smoother about it all. It's not every day I get to have a one-on-one interaction with Felix, especially not in an empty room. Dammit, how could I throw away one of the few opportunities I have to make an impression?

He pulls up a chair to sit next to me. "Oh, what seems to be distracting you? Is it the other works, or drama, or stress? You know you can always talk to me, right?" he says. The genuine concern in his voice makes my body weak.

Shit, what do I say? This is my chance, isn't it? No, never mind. I can't do this. That would just be stupid. The thoughts race at a million miles per hour. Oh, fuck it. Whatever, I'm not losing this opportunity. I graduate in a couple months, anyways...


"Ahh, well, Mr. Lee. I ammm distracted, actually," I mutter, looking up at the ceiling. Should I continue? "It's just that it's you that I'm distracted by."

"Oh," he says. "Why would I be distracting? I-I don-"

I cut him off by grabbing his chin so that he faces me. I stopped thinking for one second, and here we are. Me holding onto the bottom of his handsome face, staring into his alert eyes. Us facing each other, no more than a foot apart. And now I don't know what to say next. I know what I'm getting into by doing this, but...

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