Minho & Hyunjin 👩❤️💋👩

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Top: Minho (genderbent, F)

Bottom: Hyunjin (genderbent, F)

Kinks: Mommy, breastfeeding, piss

Plot: On a fateful weekend morning, Minho brings Hyunjin's erotic dream to life.

(Minho's POV)

The sunlight peeking through the window blinds makes my eyelids flutter, waking me up for the day. I sit up and peer outside to catch a glimpse of the orchestra of chirping birds. I slept in a little later than usual. I roll out of bed and stretch - it's one of those slow, peaceful weekend mornings that are good for the soul.

I put on a matching workout set that my girlfriend gifted to me and head down to our home gym with a smile. After a quick, low-intensity session, I hop into the shower and sigh as the warm water flows over my tired muscles. Through the foggy glass, I see a figure standing on the other side. It's Hyunjin.

"Good morning, baby!" I chime.

"Good morning, mommy!" Hyunjin chirps back.

"How did you sleep?"

"Good," she replies. I can't see her face, but I can tell she's blushing. "I dreamt about you."

"Oh really, is that so? Tell me what happened," I say as I slide the shower door open, exposing my naked body. Now I can see that pretty face. She blushes heavily and shakes her head no.

"What do you not want to tell me, baby?" I ask for the second time. Once again, the only response I get is her shaking her head. Hm. I lean out to get near her ear. Water droplets drip off me and onto the floor. "If you don't tell me what you were dreaming about, I can't make it happen, baby. You know that, right? Be a good girl and use your words for mommy, okay?" Hyunjin nods defiantly.

"I-I dreamt that I was sitting on your lap. A-and..."

"Go on."

"And t-that you were petting my head while I-I...um...s-sucked on your boobs, a-and then I-I tried to get up to go potty, a-and you didn't let me, s-so I had to hold it until I could make you orgasm," Hyunjin said, looking down at her feet. Her face is flushed.

"Ah. So my baby has a breastfeeding kink. And a piss kink. Hm?" I say. She nods.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(No one's POV)

Minho pushes the younger girl against the shower wall, water trickling down their skin. Minho grips the right side of Hyunjin's face with one hand, the other resting on the small of her waist. They make out, slow and messy, moans escaping Hyunjin as Minho's tongue explores her mouth. Hyunjin drags her hands up Minho's torso, wet fingertips brushing up her smooth stomach, breasts, and collarbone. She rests her wrists on Minho's shoulders as the kiss deepens.

Minho pulls away and turns off the showerhead. She lifts Hyunjin up and brings them to the bedroom, bodies still covered with water droplets. Sitting on the bed with the younger girl in Minho's lap, the heated make-out continued until they were both breathless. When Minho pulls off for a moment, she's met with the sight of her girlfriend panting with her tongue out, staring at her breasts.

"Go ahead, baby. I know you want to," Minho says with a smile. Hyunjin leans down and gently latches onto a nipple. Minho sharply inhales at the wet contact. She begins to suck, causing a shocked moan to leave Minho's body. There's no telling why, but Minho enjoyed the sensation on her boob. Hyunjin moves to the other breast, repeating her actions like a hungry newborn. This goes on until Minho gets impatient...and needy. She pushes Hyunjin off of her and onto her back. Crawling over the younger, Minho presses on Hyunjin's lower stomach - one hand on each side - to compress her bladder.

Hyunjin winces. "Mmhhh...mommy...stop....you're going to make me pee," she whines.

"Really baby? Wow, you really are a kinky little girl," Minho says. She lifts her hand off her stomach expecting Hyunjin's urge to go to fade, but the continuing whines tell the older girl that this wasn't the case.

"Do you still have to go potty, princess?" Minho asks. Hyunjin gives a ferocious nod.

"Aww baby, that's too bad. You have to hold it, keep it in until you make me feel good. Okay? Can you do that for mommy?" Minho taunts. Hyunjin moans, turned on by Minho's dirty words and demanding tone. Minho repositions herself over Hyunjin's face, slowly lowering down. Hyunjin knows exactly what to do and extends her tongue to lap at Minho's clit. Minho grips the headboard and releases breathy moans. She rocks herself back and forth on Hyunjin's face, only occasionally lifting up to let her breathe for a second. This continues until Hyunjin lets out muffled moans and whines from below. Minho lifts up.

"What is it, baby? Are you needy, or do you need to go potty?" she says.

"I-I don't know mommy, I want both...please," Hyunjin stutters out. Minho lowers herself back onto her face to start riding again. This time as she does, she reaches back and presses on Hyunjin's abdomen. The need to piss worsened and she struggled to clench while lapping at Minho's vagina. Hyunjin whined into Minho's opening, silently begging for relief.

"Go ahead, baby. Go potty for me. Right here, right now. Make a mess if that's what you really want," Minho says. At this, Hyunjin releases first, peeing all over the sheets before an intense orgasm rolls over her body. The desperate groan and subtle smell make Minho finish along with her, dirtying Hyunjin's face. Minho quickly moves over to let Hyunjin breathe. She peers down to see the mess that is her pretty girlfriend. She lays there in a vulnerable state, covered in piss and release.

"Oh baby, you really did make a mess, huh? And you really seem to like it. I'm glad you used your words and told me about your little dream," Minho coos, getting up to clean.

Still naked, the couple lay down on fresh sheets. Minho props her head up with her hand while stroking Hyunjin's hair, and Hyunjin looks up at her with longing eyes. They rest a little before continuing with their day as if nothing had happened, but that morning would stay with both of them for a long time after.


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