Chan & Minho:💦

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Top: Chan

Bottom: Minho

Plot: Minho is being a brat - even more than usual - and Chan is tired of it.

Side Ship: Changbin and Jisung

Kinks: Degrading, brat taming, spanking, orgasm control/denial, overstimulation, light bondage, daddy kink (I'm sorry, Chan did this to himself), thigh riding, and probably some more that I didn't state here...sorry not sorry :)


(Minho's POV)

Here I lay, once again. I wouldn't be able to tell you how I find keep finding myself in these situations - wrists firmly attached to the bed with a dark and silky material, ass in the air, and Chan's breath fanning over my entrance. My thighs tremble from the previous orgasms. Fine...maybe I do have some idea how I got myself in this position, but do I really deserve this much? I wasn't thaaaaaat much of a brat, was I?


(Chan's POV, before previous part)

It all started this morning when we were peacefully laying in bed. I'd woken up first, while Minho was "asleep." I felt him press his back against me, lightly rubbing against mine before pulling away - it was like he was purposefully teasing me, but that was nothing out of the ordinary.

"Morning, Channie," he chimed.

I mumbled a grumpy "good morning" back to him and rolled out of bed. Minho is a brat - we already know that - so I put up with a good amount of shit before I finally snap. That's why I didn't think much of his morning shenanigans.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, which should be a mundane daily task, but not with Minho. He waltzed in completely nude and leaned over to turn on the shower, back lightly arched, his ass on full display. It's not like he had to bend over to reach the faucet, but he did. Of course. I took a deep breath to cool myself as he stepped into the shower, lightly humming to some song. I should be used to this by now, but it takes everything in me to ignore him.

I moved on with my morning and made us some breakfast (it's up to you what they eat), but was interrupted by Minho making another dramatic entrance. The only clothes he had on were my t-shirt and boxers. Fuck. I forced my eyes off of him and pretended to not be turned on. He pranced over to me and pecked me on the lips, then dashed to seat himself at the dining table.

"Min, can you help get the silverware, please? I asked.

"Of course, Channie," he said, swaying his hips as he walked to the silverware drawer. "I'm in the mood to eat."

Of all days, he chooses today to test me like this. Today Jisung and Changbin are coming over to have lunch at our place, so I don't have the time luxury to correct Minho's attitude.

After breakfast ends, we rush to prepare the house for our guests. With only 15 minutes until their arrival, we hurry to get dressed at the same time. As I tug off my shirt and put on my pants, I feel Minho subtly brush against me. Our master bathroom is large enough to accommodate personal space between us, so I know he's doing this on purpose. All of this is a ploy; with Minho, nothing is "on accident." I'd rather not think about what could happen while Changbin and Jisung are here.


(Minho's POV)

Yeah, I planned to drop the teasing once Changbin and Minho arrived. I know Chan isn't the kind of person to show P.D.A., but seeing how invested he was in the couple's conversation, I couldn't help myself. New apartment...renovations...bills...that downtown coffee shop...yadda yadda, bullshit. This adult talk is boring as fuck. Sure, I'm part of the conversation, adding fragments of commentary here and there, but these are more of Chan's friends than mine anyways. If you ask me, I'd be doing everyone a favor by making things more fun.

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