Jeongin & Minho❓️

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Top & Bottom: Mysteryyy ;)

Kinks: Kinda rough, mostly vanilla (minus bondage, oops)

Plot: With Jeongin being the youngest, Minho thinks that he's completely innocent. And nothing will change that. Minho doesn't want to be the first to corrupt him, so he holds back. He thinks he has to.

(Minho's POV)

We're spending our day off at the dorms unwinding and watching movies in the living room. Half of us are on our phones, the rest of us snacking...and actually watching. Jisung gives me a nudge - since we've become best friends, I've grown accustomed to our non-verbal communication thing. He's trying to tell me to finally make a move on my crush. Jisung gets up to grab some water as the movie comes to an end, motioning for me to follow him to the kitchen.

"You said you were going to make a move on our next day off," he interrogates.

"Yeah, next t-"

"No. Just do something about it already, we both know you'd be the top, he interrupts."


"I know you want toooooo."

"Ugh, fine. I'll make a move, but it'll be subtle" I say. Jisung nods, which is the cue to head back to the living space.

They've started another movie, this time a horror one. As the early plot unfolds, Jeongin shifts and moves closer to me. I didn't even have time to do anything yet. Did he hear the kitchen conversation? He gets even closer and isn't even trying to be subtle about it, eventually curling up in my lap. He comfortably rests there for a minute, then apologizes and moves away.

"It's okay, Innie. You can sit with me," I whisper. He grins up at me, nods, and burrows into my lap again. While repositioning himself, he accidentally rolls against me. It was accidental, right? If I thought it was anything else, I'd be delusional. My body is as stiff as a board, but I force myself to relax as much as I can. This is just a platonic interaction between two friends. It's nothing more than that, so no need to get all antsy.

(Jeongin's POV)

Finally making some sort of move so that I can be closer to Minho. He's so stiff, ha. I end up on his lap with the excuse that I was afraid of the horror movie. But nah, that's some weak bottom shit. In reality, I just really like Minho. I'm not super fond of the idea of me being on his lap and not the other way around. But this "scary" movie is the perfect opportunity to cuddle up to him, and one of the only opportunities I'll probably have anytime soon with our busy schedules. This is the easiest way I can think of to get Minho riled up, so I shift around a little as if I'm anxious. It's too dark for him to see my expression, but the flatscreen T.V. illuminates his face and reveals his. Looks like someone's having trouble focusing on the film. He seems confused, but also aroused. Like he's trying to not let this get to him.

(Minho's POV)

As the movie's suspense-filled climax approaches, Jeongin squirms around in my lap. With each brush against my crotch, I suddenly forget how to breathe normally. This is definitely turning me on, but I refuse to be the one to ruin his precious innocence. So I sit still, doing my best to seem unbothered.

The constant pressure gets me hard. I guess it was bound to happen. The movie ends, and as much as I like to think it was unnoticeable, I know that Jeongin can feel my slight boner from beneath him. I nudge him off me, get up, and scramble to my room. I brush my teeth and get my sleepwear on, trying hard to ignore the pain that I have down there. Just as I get in bed to slip under the covers, my door slivers open. It's Jeongin. I'd recognize that shadow anywhere. He slides into my room's parameters and sits down next to me on my bed holding a small box. Didn't even knock or anything.

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