Hyunjin & Jeongin🧛♂️

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Sub Top: Jeongin

Power Bottom: Hyunjin

Kinks: Blood, vampire, switched roles, forest sex, strangers, first time, choking, marking

Plot: Human Jeongin lives a desolate life of nothingness. He's desperate for something, anything, to brighten up the life he hasn't been able to escape for 17 years. But an unexpected collision with vampire Hyunjin shows him beauty in midst of darkness...in the middle of the night. And in the middle of a forest...


(Jeongin's POV)

It's my last class for the day, and I'm fighting to stay focused on the lesson. But I have no other choice. Anything else would fall short of my parents' expectations. Meanwhile, my friends are whispering about something. I envy them for not having to stress about school. For not having to bear any pressure. For being able to simply enjoy their youth. Sigh. They're doing that annoying thing where they talk in "private" with me right there, yet while making it obvious that they're discussing something I'm not a part of. Kind of defeats the purpose of the whole secrecy thing.

"Hey, what are you all talking about?" I ask, trying not to come off as pesky.

"Oh, nothing, Innie - nothing you need to be worried about, just hyung stuff, okay?" Jisung says, leaning over to pat my head.

I huff, annoyed that they're babying me again. As usual, no one says anything more to side with me. To them, I'm just a try-hard goody-two-shoes who's out of the loop. And they may be right. Still, even if I wouldn't understand, it'd be nice to just be included. Is that too much to ask? Today is one of those days where it stings, but I guess used to it for the most part. The last thing I want is to be that person who blames the world for everything, but there's really nothing I can do about it anyways. Class lets out, and we all walk out towards the doors. At least I get to be a part of that. Participation points? I'll take what I can get.

"Hey, Innie - do you wanna hang out with us at the skate park today?" Felix asks.

They eventually stopped asking me since I have to decline every time, so I'm floored at the invite. I hide it, giving a nonchalant "Yeah, sure, let me check with my mom. Give me a sec." You know, it would sound a lot smoother without the "let-me-ask-my-mom-because-I-have-no-sense-of-autonomy" part at the end. I walk a ways away from the cluster and call her, hoping for the best but expecting the worst. Before I even get to ask for her permission, she fills the half-second-long silence yelling at me to get home and study because my history grade dropped to a B+ this morning. I sigh, reply with a passive-aggressive "fine," and mutter a goodbye. I'll have to deal with my mom pestering me for the "disrespectful behavior" when I arrive back, but that's the least of my worries right now. I catch up with the group.

"Sorry, guys. I have to go home. Maybe next time," I say, masking my frustration.

"Mhm, sure Jeongin. You haven't even gone once, but whatever," Jisung says absentmindedly.

There's nothing more to say. I nod and start my usual route to the bus stop. I board and pop on my headphones. I'm not even playing any music today, just zoning out the world. I enjoy the moment of solitude and watch the sunny sky darken as a storm moves in. I chuckle to myself - is this foreshadowing my mother's wrath when I get home? Rain drizzles down, and I stare out the droplet-covered window to add to the melancholy mood. The bus approaches my stop. I've gone this route so many times that I could drive it myself with one eye closed. Every day I repeat the same routine; no wonder my life feels monotonous and painfully ordinary.

I hop off the bus and trek back home. The dark, misty sky makes the heavily forest-lined sidewalk look spooky. I never understood why my parents chose such a desolate area to live in, surrounded by thick forest and only one street of neighbors who we never talk to. But home is home, right? The cold rain descends onto me, but I don't mind - it's the kind of light rain that makes it smell fresh.

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