Felix & Jisung💻

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Kinks: Sub x sub (idk honestly)

Plot: In an idol AU, just two besties helping each other out. In other words, just them masturbating, but like...together.


(Jisung's POV)

Bro, idol life is stressful. Especially when all of the practicing and constant preparations keep me from my usual "routine." And by that, I mean being able to enjoy some leisure time masturbating. How long has it been? No clue, but all I know is that it's been too long. Sure, getting off in the shower after a long day is okay, but it's just not the same. And it's not like I'm getting any real dick with this hectic schedule.


(Felix's POV)

I'm awakened by the horrendously loud sound of bickering coming from the main living area. I lazily stumble out of bed and stand at the doorway, rubbing my eyes until they focus. Ah, just the Jeongchan couple arguing. Something about us - especially Chan - being overworked, something about an amusement park, yadda yadda. Before I can put the pieces together to comprehend the argument, Chan calls us all to meet in the living room. I guess this is my cue to make an appearance. I gladly sit, because that means a temporary stop to the loud bickering. Once we've all gathered, Chan starts doing his thing being the natural-born leader he is.

"Okay. So, Jeongin has brought it to my attention that we are overworked, though I think all of us already knew it," Chan begins. "I was going to give you all the day off and just do the work myself, but apparently I'm also overworked...or something," he continues with a semi-petty tone. I see Jeongin glaring at Chan in my peripheral vision. "Okay, fine. Definitely overworked. I think we all need a day off, but only if we work twice as hard tomorrow. Got it?"

The living area fills with nods in agreement, which quickly escalate into cheers. Jeongin springs up from the couch and grabs Chan by the wrist.

"We're going to the amusement park!" Jeongin happily exclaims, practically dragging Chan out of the door. The rest of us go off in our own ways: Minho and Hyujin decide to go shopping, Changbin and Seungmin leave to take pictures with the cherry blossoms, and I'm left at the housing unit with Felix. Which I'm perfectly fine with - my plans for today are most enjoyable in an empty house.


(No one's POV)

Felix stumbled into Jisung's room, plopping down on his bed. Considering that they're practically birthday twins with a mere one-day age gap, the two have always been close.

"Whatcha up to, Sungie?" Felix asks, chin propped up on his hands.

Jisung huffs, contemplating if he should be transparent with Felix. "If I'm being honest with you, I'm horny as fuck. I was gonna masturbate, but if you wanted to stay...do you want to watch a movie or something? He awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. Shit. Should I not have said that?

"Ohhh - I see, Sungie is hornyyy," Felix teases, moving to sit on the other's lap. With his best friend just sitting on him like it was nothing, Jisung's body froze up. The contact had him confused.

"But...Felix....we're both bottoms, and two bottoms don't make a top," Jisung states.

"I know that, idiot. But if we're both horny, then we have to do something about it, right?"

"B-but what? Do what?"

"We masturbate, silly. Didn't realize your mind gets this foggy when you're horny, gosh," Felix says.

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