Hyunjin & Felix🍃

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Plot: Hyunjin is a stoner, and Felix catches his attention. They share a blunt and it turns into so much more. (For context: Felix, Jisung, Seungmin, and Jeongin are friends. Hyunjin, Chan, Minho, and Changbin are friends. Jisung and Minho are dating.)

Top: Hyunjin

Bottom: Felix

Kinks: Drug influence, thigh riding

Side Ships: Chan & Jeongin, Minho & Jisung, Changbin & Seungmin

DISCLAIMER! I do NOT endorse drugs, this is solely for story purposes.


(Felix's POV)

It's the last period of the day, and I'm bored as hell. It's the afternoon on a Friday, I haven't gotten a full night's sleep for at least two weeks, and I'm definitely not focusing on the lesson. Jisung has been out of the classroom for most of the hour, so I don't have anything to distract myself with to pass time. That is, until about halfway through the class when Jisung makes an entrance. His face is bright red, and he's limping like he just got railed in the ass. Probably did. He plops down next to me.

"Seriously, Jisung? It's last period. You seriously couldn't have waited one hour?" I whisper.

"Tell that to Minho. But it was totally worth it. Plus, got good news!" Jisung snarks.

"Eww, whatever. What news?"

"So...Chan's throwing a party tomorrow night, and we're invited!" Jisung exclaimed as excitedly as he could while the teacher was lecturing.

I give him a wary look. "Me? Going to a party? Pshh. Also, us as in the two of us, or us as in our whole friend group?"

"All of us, and Lix. It'll be fun, live a little." Jisung says, patting me on the back. "Plus, maybe you can finally get some action. I know that Minho has some hot friends, sooo..."

I glare back at him. "Oh hell no."

"Fine, if you want to be a boring, goody-two-shoes. Your lossss," Jisung pokes.

I guess it is kind of embarrassing to be a late high school junior who's never been to a party. Everyone already views me as some lame and innocent kid, but I suppose everyone starts somewhere, right? But then again, am I really going to be that person who cracks at peer pressure in its lightest form? Ack.

"Fine. I'll go," I whisper without thinking. "But only because I never get invited personally, so I consider that a win."

Jisung annoyingly jumps for joy, but he quickly stills himself because the teacher side-eyes us. Also, the back pain.

"Oh? Let me pick your outfit, or I'm not letting you goooooo," Jisung teases, glancing over at the teacher.

"If you say so. But I better look good."

-Time skip to after school-

After class is out, we head to Jisung's house to get ready for the party. The rest of the boys meet us there. We pile into the Uber, and all of us together make for a loud and incredibly obnoxious ride. The driver hurries to our destination, probably to get rid of this wild bunch. I'm not sure what I've gotten myself into, but there's no turning back now.


(Hyunjin's POV)

Time to head over to Chan's house, or...er...more accurately, Chan's mansion, to help him prep for the party. I feel like we just had one, but it was already a week ago. We lay out copious amounts of alcohol. Bottles of booze line every table and stacks of red solo cups are placed all around. The main area looks like some movie set for a cliche college party scene.

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