Chan & Jisung🗡

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Sub Top: Chan

Dom Bottom: Jisung

Kinks: Knives, BDSM, orgasm denial, daddy

Plot: Chan attends his first sex appointment in desperate need to feel something after a while. He's too stubborn - and sexually frustrated - to start light and vanilla, so he consults the infamous Han Jisung.


(Chan's POV)

I glance down at my card as I walk through the dimly lit hallways of the establishment. It's black with swirly scrolls bordering the corners, but those little details don't matter. The only important information is the name and room number. I skim over them in a robotic manner.

Han Jisung. Room 252.

As I said, the room is nothing but a meaningless number - but the name? When I was browsing online to schedule an appointment, it caught my eye. From what I've heard, this blue-haired guy is kinda crazy. That's why I chose him - I need something interesting to make things fun. Things have been far too bland lately.

Ah, here we are. The room is at the hallway's end. I open the door, remove my shoes, and sit down on the bed. I've never done this before, so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm ready for whatever he's up to, and whatever is going to make me feel good. It's been way too long since I've gotten some real good ass.

A finger taps on my shoulder. Somehow, the sex worker was so sly that I didn't even hear him enter the room. Guess I got lost in thought.

"Hi, I'm Han Jisung, it's a pleasure to have you here today," he says. I stare up at him and his dusky blue tresses. "The terms of service should have informed you of everything you're getting into, but before we begin, any hard no's?"

I'm caught off guard a little - yes, fine, I admit that I was ignorant and skimmed through the pages. "Not that I know of," I reply with hesitance.

"Okay, perfect. What's your safe word?"


"Noted. Any preferred names?" he asks.

"Uh...daddy," I say, making eye contact with the wall behind him. Damn, he got me.

"Okay, no problem. Just relax for me, okay?" I quickly do as he says and sit against the headboard of the bed. He places himself on my lap, leaning in so that are faces are a mere few inches apart. He slowly grinds down on me.

"C-can I kiss you? Or i-is that not allowed?" I ask.

"Hmm...usually I would say no, but because you asked so nicely..."

Jisung connects our lips. They feel so soft and warm that I barely notice his tongue enter my mouth. He easily dominates the kiss, causing me to let out strained whimpers.

"Can I take this off?" he asks, hands tightly holding onto my shirt. I nod and he immediately runs his finger from the top down, popping the buttons open.

"," he mutters, moving his hands across my chest and abs. "So pretty, daddy." I blush and pull his body against mine.

"Keep your hands at your sides for me, daddy. Or I'll have to tie them.

I groan, clenching my hands at the sides of my body. He resumes grinding on me. I tip my head back in pleasure. The simple physical touch relieves my buildup of sexual frustration. My hands mindlessly find their way to his lace-covered torso, bringing his movements to an abrupt halt.

"What did I say about your hands, daddy?"

"To keep them at my sides..."

"Yup. And where are they?"

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