Minho & Jisung :🔪

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Top: Minho

Bottom: Jisung

Plot: Mafia AU (alernate universe)

Kinks: Knives, guns, roughness, jealousy, choking


(Minho's POV)

Being a mafia leader has its perks, but boring business meetings with rich, snobby men aren't one of them. Thankfully, today was more of a mingle-and-make-questionable-deals kind of day. With Jisung clung to my side, per usual, we make our rounds. I talk to a few other leaders, starting with the more manageable ones before I face the others that I don't care to converse with. This small space is miles better than sitting in a stiff conference room, it puts us mafias far too close to one other.

My half-hearted discussion with this unbearable mafia leader feels like it's droning on, but I snap into alertness when I see his hands wander toward Jisung. The man doesn't stop there; I silently watch, my muscles tensing as he runs his hands down Jisung's back. He slides down further than acceptable, touching all the way down to Jisung's butt. Even worse, he leaves his hand there, resting it ever-so-casually, still talking to me as though he isn't touching what's mine. I have to force myself to redirect my vision to Jisung - he's trying to act casual, but I've just about lost my shit. Jisung looks back at me, which should've made it better, but made it much worse when the man took it as an opportunity to squeeze his ass.

I'm done.

I grab Jisung's wrist, mumble a sharp goodbye, and rush us both to the car. Fuck that.


(Jisung's POV)

Minho rushes us to his car, gripping my wrist so hard it hurts. He's in one of his moods again. I seat myself, and he doesn't let go until he goes to close the car door for me. I watch through the window as he storms to the driver's side. He slides into the car, and I can feel the possessiveness radiating from his body. He starts the car and pulls out, hand on my thigh as he drives. He's driving way too fast, but I don't dare say anything. The car ride back to the hotel felt quick since he was exceeding the speed limit by at least 15 miles. As soon as we arrive and the car is parked, he grabs me by my chin.

"You're mine, princess," he says. I nod as much as I can with the constraints of his grip. He roughly kisses my neck, leaving a dark purple mark almost instantly. "Go inside and to the bedroom, before I bend you over the console," he says, letting go of my chin.

I rush inside and sit on the bed with my hands folded neatly in my lap. He never gave me instructions, so I sit, waiting intently. Today he's more riled up than usual, so I'm not sure what to expect. Just before I can lose myself in thought the door clicks open, and in walks a frustrated Minho. His suit jacket was gone and his white button-down had the first few buttons undone. I gasp as he pushes me down to the bed, climbing over me.

"Who do you belong to, baby?" he asks while wrapping his right hand around my neck.

"You, Sir," I respond, lightly moaning. He tightens his grip around my neck, and the adrenaline in my system is awakened.

"Damn right, Princess," Minho growls out. I gasp for air. He lets go of my neck and leans down to kiss me, quickly deepening it. He presses his tongue at my closed lips until I let it into my mouth.

He stops kissing me, with his new objective being to get me out of the suit that I'm in. I yelp at the flying buttons as he rips them apart with ease. Once my shirt was off and pooled on the floor, he leans down to take one of my nipples in his mouth. I moan, craving more of his touch. Minho pulls both my pants and boxers off in one go, and I gasp at the cold air. He must've sensed my neediness.

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