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June 24,2015

The day has finally come and I'm happy asf, I packed my stuff overnight and stayed at my parents house because we all was just gonna go in one car. But we at the airport and we about to get on the plane so when we did get on the jet was big asf ain't it wasn't no regular ass seats.

But we sat down and we buckled up and it was bout a 2 hour flight so I decided to get some sleep in and that's what I did when we took off but when we landed my mom woke me up and we got off the plane and we had a car waiting outside for us.

It was mad early too it was 10:00 so we drove to the hotel and the hotel looked rich asf it's called " The mark" but the driver let us out and said he would be back for us a 2:00 and if we needed anything we should give him a call and he gave me his number.

It was mad early too it was 10:00 so we drove to the hotel and the hotel looked rich asf it's called " The mark" but the driver let us out and said he would be back for us a 2:00 and if we needed anything we should give him a call and he gave me h...

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(Without the Christmas stuff)

We checked in and got the room keys and made are way to the room and it was big as hell we didn't have to share any rooms it was about 3 rooms so we all went in a room and put are stuff down before coming back to the living room and we started to talk.

" So where is reginae, cause the last time I went to the house she wasn't there" I asked. " She moved to Atlanta to follow her dream of being and influencer" my dad said which shook me. " She check on y'all" I asked. " I haven't heard from her since last month" my mom said. " She don't wanna associate with us D" my brother 21 said.

" Mane forget that, you wanna roam the hotel" I asked my bro and he shook his head and we left out the room. It was a cool ass hotel but it's more of a older modern hotel so it didn't really have anything fun to do but we went to the bar and ordered some drinks.

After we finished the drinks we went back to are room and I just went to bed but I had a timer set for 1:30 cause around that time I would be getting ready and it's gonna take me a good min too.


I heard my timer and I got up and went to my brother and parents room and told them to get ready before I went back to my room and turned the shower on and started to brush my teeth and do my lil skincare routine before hopping in the shower and taking a 10 min shower.

When I got out I did what I needed to do before putting my clothes on and spraying myself with some spray and then putting my shoes on.

When I got out I did what I needed to do before putting my clothes on and spraying myself with some spray and then putting my shoes on

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Dame outfit^^^^

Shèyaa outfit^^^

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Shèyaa outfit^^^

Shèyaa outfit^^^

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Pops outfit^^^

Pops outfit^^^

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Ma outfit^^^^

We all was looking tuff but it was time to head out so we went out to the front and we saw the car and the man opened the door and we all got in and drove to the building.


When we got there we went in and we went up to the receptionist.

" Hi what can I help you with" she asked. " I got a meetin wit Jay-Z" I said. " Give me one second" she said and started to type shit on her computer before going to the phone and telling I guess him that his 2:30 was here. " Right this way" she got up and walked us to the elevator and we went to the 4 floor.

When we got off we went up to his office and she knocked before he asked her to come in and we all went inside and he thanked her before telling us to have a seat and we did so before we walked over with a paper.

" Hello Mr. Carter, It's nice to meet you " I said and I said and got up and shook his hand. " Nice to meet you too" he said and we both sat down. " Nice to meet y'all to family" he said and they said it right back. " Alright let's talk business" he said and clapped his hands. " Alright" I said.

" So Dame we saw your freestyle on Instagram and I liked it and so did the board, Imma just cut too it we want to sign you man" he said and I was hyped asf but I couldn't show that. " Okay" I said. " So lemme discuss your contract, you get a 650k signing bonus if you want to read it you can" he said and pushed the contract to me. I read it and I sounded legit but I also let my parents read it just in case.

" So what y'all think" I asked my parents and they nodded they heads. " So there is one problem though " Jay said. " And what is that" I asked kinda nervous. " Your gonna have to move out here" he said and I sighed in relief. " Um that's okay" I said. " Well the choice is yours" he said and handed me a pen. And without a hesitation I signed the contract.

" Well Welcome to Roc Nation " he said and shook my hand. " Well when do I get started" I said. " Well you can get started next week and my advice is try to do some apartment shopping" he said with a chuckle which made me laugh. " Will do" I said. " And the money will get transferred into your bank account so just give me the info so I can" I gave it to him and we shook hands before we left out the building.

When we was leaving the building we say hella paparazzi outside and I knew they wasn't for me but when I saw the car that was in front of are it was Rihanna but I got my parents and brother to the car before locking eyes with her but getting in the car myself.

" Aye I ain't gonna lie to ya, WE GOING TO THE FUCKIN CLUB" my brother said which made him get slapped by my mom and I started to laugh. " On god we is what club tho" I said " Ion know Nigga" he said. " Aye driver what club you think" I said. "Club Harbor" he said. " Aye that's where we going later" I said and he nodded.


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