My Turn

184 7 0

May 10, 2016

( Songs and albums are from other artists I don't own any of it)

My album dropped today and I was happy asf cause it was a lot of work to put together and i still haven't talked to Rob even though she's been somewhat blowing my phone but the label decided to host me a album release party and theirs gonna be different artist from different labels so I get an opportunity to see who I can collaborate with.

My album dropped today and I was happy asf cause it was a lot of work to put together and i still haven't talked to Rob even though she's been somewhat blowing my phone but the label decided to host me a album release party and theirs gonna be dif...

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But as of right now it's 7 and I need to be there in 30 mins so me and 21 got out the house looking fresh ofc before getting in my Jeep and going to the club when we pulled up there was paparazzi and it was hella people there but I parked my car b...

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But as of right now it's 7 and I need to be there in 30 mins so me and 21 got out the house looking fresh ofc before getting in my Jeep and going to the club when we pulled up there was paparazzi and it was hella people there but I parked my car before going in and they made it known I was there before going to my section and ordering drinks.

After taking a few shots I went around to talk to people nothing too serious until I bumped into SZA and god damn she was looking beautiful as hell so I decided to have a conversation with her.

" You looking very beautiful tonight" I said and she looked up at me and was surprised. " Omg Duke congratulations on the album and thank you" she said. " Thank you, so sza I wanna know if you tryna hang out" I asked putting my hands in my pocket. " Sure but when" she asked. " Whenever your free" I said and she nodded. " lemme give you my number" she said.

She gave me her phone and I typed my name and number in there before leaving her back to what she was doing and I saw Rob but she was with her nigga drake laughing and shit so I went to the DJ for the mic just to thank everyone for coming out and he cut the music so I could say what I needed to say.

" Yoo can I get y'all attention real fast" I said and everyone started to quit down. " Um I wanna thank everyone for coming out to support me on my first album dropping" I said which made everyone cheer. " I also wanna thank my fam that's here and not here but anyways Deeblock boys fa life" I said throwing up my set before getting off the furniture which made people cheer.

The DJ ran the music from the album and I tried to go back to my section until I was stopped by Rob.

" Dame can we talk" she said and I tried to walk away and she grabbed my hand. " What do you want Robyn just let me enjoy my day please" I said and I saw her man tryna walk up so I walked away back to my section.

I ain't wanna hear the bullshit again of "fuck you" and shit cause I ain't have time for it I just wanted to enjoy my day get to my fucking bag I wasn't tryna worry about what Rob wanted to tell me cause I ain't want it to be the same shit that had happened at her house.

The party was coming to an end and I decided I wanted to go out to eat with a few people I also invited sza and she said yes so we all drove to Carbone and even though we ain't have a reservation they let us eat there.

We ordered are food and drinks and we sat and talked before we started to eat when the food came after a few mins I got up and went to go to the bathroom as I was going I saw Rih come out and blocked me from using the bathroom.

" Yo I gotta piss move" I said and she refused to move. " We need to talk" she said. " There's nothin to talk about what you don't get" I said. " Yo lemme use the bathroom" I said and she moved. " Thanks"

I used the bathroom can when I came out she was still there waiting on me against the other side off the wall so I leaned against the door by the bathroom but not blocking the bathroom door.

" Look ion know y'all got going on and I don't care if you happy with dat nigga do what you gotta do" I said. " That's the problem-" before she could finish her sentence her light skin nigga came. " Hey babe you food getting cold" he said and scanned her body licking his lips.

It was easy to tell that this fuck boy wanted Rih for only her pussy nothing else and that's not cool but it's also not my place to say anything so I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut.

" Yeah I'm coming" she said and he kissed her lips before looking at me. " Congratulations on your album" he said and I gave him a nod before walking away. " Look I think it's just best if we distance ourselves from each other" I said looking at the floor.

" Why" she asked. " It's just the best thing to do right now" I said and she nodded and I walked off to my table. I wasn't even hungry anymore I ain't wanna be there anymore and my brother could see that so I just paid the bill and said my goodbyes before leaving.

On the drive home I was thinking about getting away from nyc but not really taking a vacation more of like going back home from the summer to see my family and get my mind off everything.

" Aye im going back to Memphis fo the summer" I said pulling in the parking lot of my penthouse to my brother. " Alright you can do that" he said and i looked at him confused. " You not coming" I asked. " I already mad plans for me and Mel lil bru" he said and I nodded my head.

We got in my apartment and we went in are rooms before I got in the shower I went to insta to see if this nigga Bryson still talking shit and he was he called me pussy and I can't come back to Memphis it was just the bullshit he talks.

After that I put my phone down and just took my shower and did my other stuff before going to bed.

Time skip to summer...

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