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( Short chapter cause we doing another time skip in the next chapter)

Robyn pov:

I woke up to see Dame sleeping so I tried to get up and walk to the bathroom but I nearly fell on my face like that nigga really fucked me up last night but that shit was good though had me feeling like I was on cloud fucking nine.

If you don't know what happened last night during are movie 21 and Mel fell asleep and things between me an dame got a little interesting.

" You good" he asked me before getting up and helping me to the bathroom. " Yeah I'm good and morning" I said kissing him on the cheek. "Morning and imma go get some clothes for me to wear" he said and I nodded and made his way across the hall then came back with another Christmas outfit before getting in the shower with me.

" Merry Christmas" he said. " Merry Christmas to you babe" I said and gave him the rag so he could wash my back. " We gotta hurry up I wanna open the gifts" he said which made me laugh. " You such a cute baby" I said kissing him on his lips. " Thanks beautiful".

We did what else we needed to do then got out the shower and did are other needs before putting on our clothes and making are way downstairs to see Mel and 21 waiting on us in there new set of matching clothes.

I saw Mel giving me that look which was I know y'all fucked look and I was gonna fill her in but not at this moment right now.

" Good morning" Mel and 21 said and we both said it back before sitting in front of the tree and giving each other are 3 presents we all took turns opening them and dame got me 3 birkin bags that haven't even came out yet. I got dame a PlayStation Pro that hasn't even dropped yet with other accessories and I got the same for his brother and me and mel decided to get tattoos of are birthdays.

I loved everything I got and I could tell they all loved what they got so I was happy with my 4 gifts I got from dame cause the one I opened last night has me sprung right now.

But when we finished unwrapping the gifts we cleaned up all the rapping papers and when we finished that the boys went somewhere else and me and Mel were in the kitchen so I could prepare something.

" So what happened last night cause you was on top of your lungs I thought you was dying" she said which made me laugh. " Well me an Dame had sex and I was that loud " I said and stopped cutting the vegetables. " Girl I heard you from down here" I said. " Well that shit big ass hell" I said and demonstrated with my hands how big it was. " Fi real" she said and I nodded. " So what y'all doing" she asked. " Ion even know Mel".

" Do you like him Rob" she asked me. " I do a little but ion know Mel" I said and started to cook the food. " Well all I can tell you is give him a chance" she said before walking out to most likely her man.

Dame pov:

I walked in the kitchen to see Rih by herself so I decided to have a conversation with her because she still is my best friend and I hope what happened last night ain't ruin are friendship.

" Hey" I said sitting on the island. " Hey" she said back to me still looking at the stove. " If you feeling something Rob tell me" I said and she moved the pot off the burner before standing in front of me. " I don't know what we're doing dame" she said.

" I don't either but however you want to take it I won't feel anyway if you want us to be friends we can do that" I said. " I think we should be friends but I still wanna kiss you" she said with a chuckle. " Look we take it how you wanna take it" I said and kissed her lips.

" So wait we friends with benefits or something" I asked. " Yeah you can say that" she said and I hoped off the counter and put her on the counter. " So friends with benefits I can still eat right" I said kissing on her neck which made her let out a low moan. " Yes but I gotta finish breakfast Dame" she said and I let her go back to what she was doing.

The pussy probably turned me to an idiot because I'm not mad that we not taking things seriously. Was I a little hurt? Maybe a little but at least I still have my bestie.

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