Back in Memphis

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1 week prior incident.....

It was me and Rihanna in the living room watching a movie when I got a call from my nephew which is very rare unless he wants something.

"Jaden wassup man" I said sitting up from laying on Rih. " Look I haven't told dad but I went over to grandma house and she had a lot of bruises on her arm and she was wearing makeup so probably on her face too" he said which made me stand up.

" Jaden who did it" I asked getting mad. " Ion know but her and grandpa do be getting into it well recently have been" he said. " Alright man look imma be in Memphis tomorrow" I said and hung up the phone.

" Dame what happened" Rih asked. " Look I gotta go to Memphis" I said and went up to the room to start packing. She followed me to the room. " What's wrong" she asked. " Someone put the hands on my mama" I said zipping up my bag.


I'm in Memphis and it's night nobody knows im here but my nephew but I drove my rental to my mama house and when I pulled up I opened the door with my key and went straight to her.

" Mama someone been putting they hands on you" I said and grabbed her arms and pulled up her sleeves to see all of the bruises. " Who the fuck did this" I yelled. " Nobody I just fell" she said. I walked to my room and went into my closet to go and get my gun.

" Now I know who did it so don't fuckin lie to me ma" I said and as soon as I said it the mother fuckin devil walk in. " Aye what the hell is goin on here" he yelled. " You hit my mama bitch" I said and clocked him with my gun which made him fall.

All I saw was red but he did get a few hits on but I fucked him up real good because I seen a lot of blood on the floor but I guess my older brother had came and took me off of him.

" You hurt him dame, I hate you, you are not my son" she yelled and ran to his side I gave her a very confused look cause that didn't make sense the man was beating on her and I helped now she hates me. " Man fuck y'all" I said and left out the house taking my gun before going back to the airport back to nyc.
The next day....

I ain't get back to Rih house till around 5 in the morning so when I walked in it was dead quiet so I made my way upstairs and went to the room to see Rih sleeping so I took of my shirt but because he hit me in my stomach really hard I let out a big whine which made fall and wake her up.

" Dame" Rih said in her sleepy voice. The pain was so intense that I couldn't even answer her. " You okay" she said and got out the bed and turned on the light coming towards me. " Omgg babe are you okay" she said trying to help me up when she saw my face and the big bruise on my stomach.

I couldn't even talk I just started to cry not at the pain from the hits but from the pain of her telling me I'm not her son and she hates me but as I sat there crying Rih consoled me which is one thing I liked about her. She ended up getting up and getting some warm water in a bowl and cleaning up my face.

She got me off the floor and on to the bed but I took my gun out my pants and put it on the dresser which surprised her." Look you tell me what happened in the morning cause a gun dame" she said getting in the bed and pulling me gently to lay on her.


I woke up to see the lights in my face and just me in the room by myself still in a pain so I got out of the bed and to the jacuzzi and made the water get hot before I put the lil salt shit and got in. I stayed in for a min before going to take a shower and doin my other stuff.

After that I went downstairs to the kitchen to see Rih standing at the island drinking a glass of wine and she had that look that would make you get scared

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After that I went downstairs to the kitchen to see Rih standing at the island drinking a glass of wine and she had that look that would make you get scared.

" Morning babe" I said going to the cabinet to get a glass and poured my orange juice. " What happened last night" she said pouring more wine in her glass. " I just got into it with my dad" I said. " How" she asked. " Ion wanna talk about it" I said thinking about the whole situation.

" Did you kill him" she asked hesitantly. " What, Robyn no I wouldn't do that" I said surprised to what she asked. " So explain the gun" she said. " Robyn look I have multiple guns and it's a gun I've been had" I said. " Look I don't want that shit around me. She said.

" Rih that's not me anymore okay" I said going over to her and giving her a hug which she gladly accepted. " What do you mean anymore" she said. " Look I haven't been straight with my past so I might as well tell you now" I said and sat on the island.

" I know you know I sold drugs as a kid but I'm also in a gang my whole life I've been running in a gang with my brothers and gangs come with other shit. I said and took a pause. " What other shit" she said. " I have killed people and nobody really knows about it so I used to keep guns on me just in case of anything" I said and she looked kind of shocked.

" How many people have you killed and also with that gun" she asked. " I have killed 3 people and I haven't killed anyone with that gun" i said. " Dame you should've told me this from the jump" she said. " I know and I take responsibility for that" I said.

" I'm gonna go to Mel house" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek before leaving out. I knew I probably fucked up and she probably looks at me different but I know I can't lose her.

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