Bad gyal day

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February 19, 2016

It is the day before Rihanna's birthday and we are all packing because we are going to Barbados for her birthday, anyways are song "Loveee song" is still number one on charts and we have also started to talk a little and when I mean a little I mean for a month but today is gonna be a busy day.

Since we are all at Rih house her,Mel and her manager Jen are gonna go out and get there nails and stuff done while me and 21 do what we gonna do and what I'm gonna do is go pick up some stuff from icebox for me and her.

" Ngl I'm vlogging everything today" I said as we was getting in the car. " Aye let's do it" 21 said. " Imma start vlogging when we get to icebox" I said and he nodded.

When we pulled up at icebox I pulled out my camera and started to vlog.

" Yo guys it's been a min since I've been on YouTube vlogging but we back and as y'all know it's my big homie birthday tmrw so we getting her something from icebox, also I'm out here wit my big bro" I said. " Yo wassup vlog " 21 said as we walked in.

" So I bought her this bracelet cause she been saying she wants a bracelet" I said to the camera. " On God" 21 said which made me chuckle a lil. " Hold the camera fa me" I said giving it to him. " Yo Duke man you here for your pick up" the guy said. " Yessir" I said. " Alright well lemme get the pieces" he said and went into the back.

" Alright yall he gonna get the jewelry" I said to the camera. " How you think she gonna be" 21 asked me. " Ion kno I just hope she like it mane" I said which made him laugh. " Oh we also gonna go to the mall and go pick up this purse that I bought for her" I said to 21. " Alright we gotta get back before them tho" he said.

" Yeah" I said. " Alright man here is everything" the guy said showing all the pieces. " Yooo this shit tuff" I said. " Onggg" 21 said. " Alright the total is gonna be 678,000 he said and I swiped my card and it went through so he bagged it up and we said are goodbyes before leaving.



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When we left we made are way over to the mall which was like 25 mins away but when we got there we went straight to the store that sales Birkins

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When we left we made are way over to the mall which was like 25 mins away but when we got there we went straight to the store that sales Birkins. We picked up the bag and then we went to other stores in the ball to get some more clothes for us than a big teddy bear for her.

When we got back to the house her car was in the driveway so we had to be sneaky.

" Alright y'all so I have all the bags and we have to sneak in the house because she is here" I said at the front door to the camera. " You ready" 21 said and I nodded. He went first and I went in and closed the door. " Go to the room" 21 said following me.

I went to my room and nobody was in there luckily but I put everything down and packed everything up perfectly to give to her tomorrow then I took the camera from 21.

" Mission accomplished" I said in the camera laughing before we went downstairs to Rob and them. " Heyyy yalll and why do you have a camera"  Mel said. " I'm starting back my vlogging" I said. " Where is Rih" I asked. " She's in the kitchen getting something" Mel said. " Alright" I said and walked in the kitchen.

" Say hey to my vlog" I said sitting on the island and pointing the camera at Rih. " Heyy guys and why are you vlogging" It's gonna be a birthday vlog this just part 1" I said. " But close it out with me" I said and she came over. " Alright yall like, comment and subscribe hit the thumbs up and all that we out" I said and turned the camera off.

" I missed you" she said ask I got off the island. " I kinda missed you" I said with a chuckle which made her hit me. " I'm just joking" I said and picked her up and put her on the island. " You better be" she said. " Of course I missed you girl" I said and gave her a long kiss which made her moan.

" You know me leave early tmrw" she said. " Yeah 8:00 right" i said and she nodded. " So you're sleeping with me since I know you don't like waking up" she said. " I will gladly" I said and pick her off the island. " Imma go finish packing"she said.

" Okay well I'm right behind ya" I said and walked with her up to her room and this girl was already packed with 2 bags but it's whatever, I watched her pack until I got tired and went to sleep.

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