Wide awake

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I'm coma:

I woke up standing in the middle of a street very unfamiliar to me and up the street it was a big house so I walked towards it and knocked on the door but I didn't get an answer so I opened the door and walked in.

Ask I walked in I walked around for a little bit until I made my way into the living room because I heard something and when I walked the corner I saw Rih and Mel talking and 21 sleeping. There was also two kids one boy and one girl the girl looked like Rih.

I tried to speak but they couldn't hear me so I sat down on the couch and just listen to their conversation.

" I can't believe your having another baby" Mel said excitedly. " Me too" she said. " Have you spoken to dame" Mel said. " I have he gets off tour in a few days I miss him so much" Rih said. " He didn't wanna go with him he said he didn't want to leave Malik" Mel said pointing to 21 which made Rih laugh.

As I got up i saw a bright light and I didn't know if I should walk in it or stay but I had the urge to walk in it so that's what I did and as I did the lights go brighter than before.

End of coma.

I opened my eyes again to see that I was in a hospital room and when I did that I saw Rih basically cleaning up the room making sure everything was clean.

" You must be doing squats cause damn" I said in a raspy voice and it made her laugh before she officially realized that I was talking to her and she ran over to me and gave me a big hug. " Omg your up" she said touching my face. " I'm going to get the doctor" she said and walked out the room.

She walked back in with the doctor and the doctor explained everything that had happened to me and how I've been in coma for 2 months and how I've been healing really good and I'm 80 % healed.

They said the could discharge me now but they would like to keep me overnight but it was my choice so I chose to leave cause I've been there for 2 months so I decided to just leave.I wanna tell Rih what I saw but I don't think I should right now.

When the doctor left me and Rih started to talk and catch up on stuff I missed.

" So I'm gonna call your mom and tell her you're awake" she said grabbing her phone. " I can take a shower after you're done" I asked. " Yeah I'll just tell 21 to bring you some clothes" she said and I nodded.

I looked at my hands and stomach to see the damage that was done, and I know when I get out of here and I'm fully healed up I'm definitely going to get some tattoos to cover the bullet scars up.

After like 45 mins my mom and my brothers came and for some reason my father wasn't there. Who wouldn't come visit the son if they just got shot 12 times? Anyways me and the family bonded for a lil and shared some things that happened while I was in coma.

After a few minutes the doctor came back and gave me the discharge form with my pain medication and explained how to take it and what I can't do while on it. I signed the form and asked if I could get transferred to another hospital in nyc in case of anything and they said yes.


Before I left out i took a shower with the help of Robyn before getting on my outfit and getting in the wheelchair chair they gave me and going into the car before making my way home.

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