Pre Anti World Tour

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March 11th 2016...

It was the fuckin Anti Tour and I was happy that my baby is on tour and not only I could go with her and also get my work done but anyways we are in Florida and we going  Jacksonville we are on a tour bus because after Jacksonville we go to Tampa then Miami, and when I say we I mean Mel, 21, Rob, Jen and of course me.

So today is not the day she gets on stage but she does have a big ass rehearsal and she has to go to make sure everything was perfect the only thing I was gonna hate about this tour was that Drake was gonna be preforming " Work" with her but I didn't wanna make a big deal so I just bit my lip and left it cause he knows we in a relationship everyone knows.


We made it in Jacksonville and made it to the arena and rob went to work so did everyone else such as the dancers and shi like that I decided to just sit around and watch videos on my phone and do anything to cure my boredom. I ended up seeing Drake and I didn't care to talk to him so I decided to go in Rihanna's dressing room cause she had a couch and I fell asleep.

I was out for a couple hours and when I got up I realized Rih was sitting in her chair on her phone texting someone I didn't really care but I got up and rapped my arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

" You was sleep for a while" she said as I looked for gum in her bag and ate one. " Yeah I was bored I ain't have anything to do" I said. " You could've watched me rehearse" she said getting up. " Yeah but I rather not be out there and I rather you sing to me personally" I said. " Yeah whatever" she said with a laugh and got up to do something.

" Well we are basically done for the day so" she said. " So you're all mine for the rest of the day" I said and gave her a kiss and grabbed her ass making her gasp. I moved from her lips down to her neck making her moan. " Dame no " she said which made me stop and look confused . " For real" I said and she nodded which made me sit back on the couch.

Another thing that has been kinda bothering me is that me and Rih work so much the we barely have time alone and basically my big guy down there is getting a little lonely but I won't force her if she don't want to but I need to fuck sum bad just like what boosie said.


Robyn pov:

We made it back on the bus and I went to take a shower before going to get dress and doing my skin care when I realized Dame was sleep again so I went to the living room to see Mel in there watching T.V.

" Hey girl" I said getting a wine glass and opening some wine to drink before sitting on the couch. " Hey sis" she said turning her attention to me probably knowing I wanted to talk. " Mel I feel like we haven't talked as much. I said taking a sip. " Well what's on your mind" she said.

" I feel like dame isn't talking to me" I said and she seemed confused. " Why he talks to you about everything" she said. " Exactly like today after rehearsal he was knocked out in the room and when he got up we started to kiss or whatever and he was doing his thing but I wasn't feeling to fuck" I said while she listened. " So I told him no and he looked confused but he stopped and then sat back on the couch and barely said anything after".

" Robyn how long has it been since you guys had sex" she asked and truly I couldn't answer. " It's been a while" I said and she looked shocked. " Give me a guess" she said. " Last month around my birthday but other than that we haven't" I said. " Have you thought that he's probably having a hard time because he's horny and you won't give any but he doesn't wanna complain so he's waiting" she said which made me look at it and it was true.

" That explains why he probably was confused" she said to me. " Yeah im gonna go talk to him when he wakes up so goodnight Mel love you so much" I said and she said it back before I went to my room to she dame sitting up with his beats on and listening to something with his eyes closed.

I tapped him which made him take the beats of as I sat next to him on the bed. " What are you listen to" I asked. " Some beats for my music" he said. " Dame is feel like your not talking to me" I said which made him sigh. " Look Rih it nothing I promise" he said.

" Babe don't lie when we were at rehearsal were you horny" I said which made him sigh again. " Yeah I was I've been for a little while now but it's hard when we are working so I've been waiting until it was the right time which I thought today but it wasn't" he said. " Baby you can talk to me about these things don't hide it from me" I said. " Okay" he said and entangled are hands and kissed my hand then my cheek.

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