Nyc pt. 3

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It was bout 3 in the morning and I woke up and went to the bathroom and when I finished I took my jeans on which left me in my shorts and I walked out the room and saw Rihanna sitting on the couch watching T.V.

" Aye why you up so early" I asked which made her turn to me. " Can't sleep" she said. And damn this girl was so fine she was wearing some shorts with a crop top with no bra on. " Damn um you got water" I asked and she pointed to the fridge. " Thanks" I said and sat on the couch.

It was silent for a while until I said something. " Aye I wanna thank you for helping me and my bro out" I said sitting across from her. " No problem" she said and keep watching the T.V. " Look we don't know each other so i don't understand why you would help me" I said. " I'm just looking out for you" she said.

" Well thanks again" I said. I walked back to my room and i got a blunt out my pants before going back to the living room she was at. " Aye where can I smoke my blunt" I said. " Balcony" she said pointing to it. " You wanna smoke wit me" I said and she nodded and we both walked out on the balcony.

I lighted the blunt and took a few hits before passing it to her. " So where you from" I asked her. " Barbados what about you " she said and passed it back. " I'm from Memphis" I said. " Tell me something else" she said and I took a hit before passing it back. " Well I grew up rough" I said.

" You wanna talk about it" she asked. " Nah not really" I said. " Yeah I'm sorry I know we not on that friendship level yet" she said. " You don't have to apologize you just tryna get to know me" I said. " Well how many siblings do you have" she asked. " I have 3 siblings two brothers one sister, you" I said. " 2 brothers and three half siblings" she said.

" You got a good relationship with your brothers" I asked and she nodded. " I have a good relationship with mine just not my sister" I said. " Why" she asked. " Well she don't want nothing to do with me or my brothers cause of the life we lived" I said. " And what was that life" she asked and I let out a sigh. " Imma just keep it real cause I know people gonna find out, so I sold drugs as a kid to help my mom with bills and I went to jail a couple of times for it too but I changed my life a lil and went to college to play basketball and in my last year which is now I teared my ACL" I said and she was shocked.

" Well I'm not judging you" she said showing sympathy to me. " Thanks" I said with a smile which made us stay silent for a little. " My lifestyle is the reason my sister don't fuck wit me and why other ppl don't either as you seen from before" I said. " Well you did what you had to do and look where it got you" she said. " You right and ion want my son to have the life I did so this murisc thing is a blessing" I said. " You have a son" she said.

" Yeah his name loyal his 4 years old he lives with his mom" I said. " Wow and say music again" she said with a chuckle. " mursic" I said and she burst out laughing. " Why you say it like that" she asked. " That's just how I pronounce it" I said and she started to yawn. " You tried now" I said and she nodded her head and sat the lil bit left of the blunt down as we went inside.

" Well goodnight Dame" she said and gave me a hug. " Good night Rihanna" I said and walked to my room before falling back asleep. It was crazy cause I ain't never really tell anyone about my situation and she made me so comfortable to share it with her.


I woke up to the sun in my eyes and when I looked at my phone I saw it was 9 o clock so I got up and I didn't see my brother but I did hear laughter so I walked in the living room to see him sitting down talking to Rih and Mel.

" Morning yall" I said with a yawn. They all said it back. " Aye bro I went back and got you some clothes and other stuff it's on the table in the room" my brother said which made me confused. " Wait we staying here" I said. " Just fo a lil bit" he said. " This okay wit ya" I said to Rih and she nodded her head.

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