Summer Madness

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June 18, 2016

Its been a few weeks since I've been in Memphis I've been staying with my mom and hanging out with my boys just trying to take my mind off of everything that's been going on in nyc but every time I check instagram I see a pic or video of yellow and Rihanna.

But I've been talking to sza for a little while it hasn't really been anything but we talk all the time and when I was in nyc we had fun together and stuff like that nothing crazy though.

But anyways I'm on the block with my guys and my older brother we just talking and stuff nothing to crazy, but since I've got to Memphis I keep a gun on me cause i feel like someone be watching me but I wasn't scared for whatever reason.


" Aye one of y'all take my pic right quick" I said and gave my phone to one of my boys. After he took the picture he gave me back the phone and I posted the pic.

 After he took the picture he gave me back the phone and I posted the pic

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I'm back home In Memphis y'all .

Liked by Theshaderoom and 564,689.

After posting I saw a Nigga riding around on a bike yell something which caught everyone's attention.

" Aye you finna get yo ass killed wait till lil B hears ya ass back in Memphis" he yelled which made most of my guy's clutch their guns. " Aye move the fuck round" I said which made his ass leave when I pulled my gun out.

" Aye who the fuck is lil B" I asked my brother. " Bryson, he coming fa ya ass" he said. " Well I ain't scared I got all these people behind me" I said and he nodded his head. " Man it's getting late I'm finna head out" I said and I walked to my car.

I was a lil hungry so I stopped at my favorite place which was called " Bens". When I went in I ordered and waited on my food, I saw a group of niggas come with ski masks inside but I wasn't tripping so when I got my food I went to my car before I saw a car drive up with niggas shooting so I pulled out my gun and started to shoot back

I got shot in my stomach first which made me fall then I got 2 in my hand, 3 in my leg, 1 in my shoulder then 1 more in my thigh. I shot 2 of the people in the car before falling to the ground with my back laid against my car, I saw Bryson come out the food place and pulled his gun out.

" It ain't even have to be like this Dame" he said. " You not gonna shot me pussy ass bitch" I said spitting blood out my mouth holding my stomach. " Man stfu" he yelled and put the gun up shaking his hand. " You scared bitch, SHOOT ME" I yelled.

" Fuck you" he said. " You not bout it" I said and he cocked the gun back which made me put my gun up. At this point we both holding each other at gun point. " Bye Dame" he said and we both pulled the trigger at the same time which made me shoot him in his head and his gun jam.

I heard sirens but I felt my eyes shutting down and I tried my best to keep them open but I couldn't....


Rihanna pov:

It was 7:45 and me and Mel were just sitting in the living room talking because her man went to sleep and I felt like we needed to catch up since we don't spend all are time together no more.

" So Rob what's up with you and dame" she asked which made me sigh. " Last time I talked to him was the day we were at Carbone tried to tell him how i feel but drake fucked it up so dame told me that we should keep distance between ourselves soo yea" I said which made her chuckle . " Maybe I should go see him" I said.

" He's not in nyc" she said. " Where is he then" I asked. " Memphis" she said before I could say anything else we saw 21 running down the stairs and he looked like he was panicking so me and Mel got up. " What happened babe" Mel asked. " Dame" he said which made me start to worry.

" What happened to him" I asked. " He got shot, I need to go to Memphis" he said. " Okay let's go" I said and we got in the car and drove to my jet and made are way to Memphis. I'm just praying he's okay cause I can't lose him, I haven't told him how I feel.


When we got to Memphis I had a car waiting for us so we all got in and made are way to the hospital 21 gave to the driver, when we got in the hospital i saw his mom and dad and we went over to the to find out what was going on.

" They said he's in surgery" the mom said to us. " What happened" I said. " We don't know they just said he got shot 8 times" the dad said which made me start to cry. " Who would do something like this" I said. " We don't know" the mom said.

We all sat in the waiting room and we waited for about 4 hours before the team of doctors came.

" The family of Dame Dennis" the doctor said which made all of us stand up. " He is okay but he did lose a lot of blood, we managed to take out the bullets that still in him but he is in a coma and we don't know when he will wake but you can see him if you would like" the main doctor said.

I made his family go first to see him before I did but when it was time for me to I went to the room and I saw him hooked up to a whole bunch of wires and seeing that just made me start to cry.

" Dame I need you to wake up" I said walking over and laid down on his chest. " I didn't tell you how I feel, please wake up" I said and looked at him but he still had his eyes closed. " Fuck dame wake up" I yelled and he didn't. " Rih come" i heard someone say and it was 21 and he gave me a hug.

We went back to his moms house and she let us stay there until I had to go back to nyc for tour with drake which was in like 2 weeks.

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