Back on shii

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It's been a month since everything that happened in Memphis, my wounds healed up all they way so now I'm getting back in the studio and imma start dropping music but I have been working on a song with Rihanna, you know give the people what they want.

Anyway it's 10:00 and I have to be at the studio soon so I got my ass up and in the shower doing what I had to do before getting out doing my other stuff then putting on my clothes.

Anyway it's 10:00 and I have to be at the studio soon so I got my ass up and in the shower doing what I had to do before getting out doing my other stuff then putting on my clothes

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After getting on my clothes I got straight in my car and went to the studio well I stopped at Starbucks first to get me something food and also get Rih something if she wants it.

After a few mins I pulled up to the label and went into my assigned studio and ofc she was not in there so I told the engineer to go take a break until she comes and he left out. I decided to pass some time by drinking my tea and eating my food then scrolled through my time line.

While doing that I seen a random number pop up and I declined it at first but then they called again and so I answered it and it was my lil sister she said she wanted to check on me to see if I was okay and bs like that before going straight to the point where she wants to have a sit down with everyone so I told her I was busy and would have to get back to her later.


After I got off the phone Rih and the engineer walks back in and we start to get to work well technically we walked about it first before I told her I was just gonna freestyle everything on my end before we both got in the booth.

I told the engineer to start the beat before I waited a lil before starting.

" Ain't Nothin Wrong Wit It"
" I Don't Wanna Give You The Wrong Impression"
" I Need Love And Affection"
" And I Hope I'm Not Sounding Too Desperate"
" I Need Love And Affection"
" Love, Love, Love"
" Love And Affection"
" Love,Love"
" L.O.V.E.E.E and Affection"

Rihanna Part:

" Oh Baby,I'm Not Asking For The World, Maybe"
" You Can Give Me What I Want, Baby"
" Come Hold Me Tight And When I'm Drowning, Save Me"
" Give It To Me On A Daily"
" If I'm Your Girl, Say My Name, Boy"
" Let Me Know I'm In Control"
" We Both Grown So How We Feel We Can Let It Show"
" [ I I I ] Won't Play Around"
" [I I I] Wanna Lay You Down"
" [I I I] I Need You Now"
" I Need You Now, Oh"

Dame Part:

" I Don't Wanna Give You The Wrong Impression"
" I Need Love And Affection"
" And I Hope I'm Not Sounding Too Desperate"
" I Need Love And Affection"
" Love,Love,Love"
" Love And Affection"
" Love,Love"
" L.O.V.E.E.E And Affection"

Rihanna Part:

" Boy, Lately You've Been Stingy With Your Time"
" Got Me Wondering"
" I'm Wondering, If I'm On Your Mind"
" Boy, I Just Wanna Be In Your Possession"
" Say I'm The One You Want"                                          "So Come Express It"
" Don't Slip, Don't Slip"
" Cause A Nigga Might Push Up On It"
" Don't Really Wanna Lose This Moment"
" Why Window Shop When You Own This?"
" [III] Don't Put It Down"
" [III] Don't Fuck Around"
" [III] I Want You Now"
" I Want You Now, Oh"

Dame Part:

" I Don't Wanna Give You The Wrong Impression"
" I Need Love And Affection"
" And I Hope I'm Not Sounding Too Desperate"
" I Need Love And Affection"
" Love,Love,Love"
" Love And Affection"
" Love,Love"
" L.O.V.E.E.E And Affection"

" Can You Love Me For Poor" [ Let Me Know]
" I'm Searching For My Soul"[ Rockstar]
" Who Ever Turned You Cold?" [Because]

Rihanna and Dame:

" You Need To Let Him Know"
" I Can Work Miracles"
" I'll Work Your Physical" [Physical]

" And When I Love You Close"
" You Can Feel My Heart"
" Beating Through My Clothes"

" I Don't Wanna Give You The Wrong Impression"
" I Need Love And Affection"
" And I Hope I'm Not Sounding Too Desperate"
" I Need Love And Affection"
" Love,Love,Love"
" Love And Affection"
" Love, Love"
" L.O.V.E.E.E And Affection"

Beat Ends*

We got out the booth and the engineer told us good work before leaving the room which left me and Rih, She sat on the couch and I went to the fridge to get 2 water bottles and gave her one. We sat in silence for a while before I broke it.

" Aye umm thank you for helping me when I got shot and even after" I said looking at her. " You don't have to thank me and I'm sorry if it felt like I pushed you away" She said. " Aye it's okay you happy were you are with him and I'm happy for you" I said.

" I just don't wanna lose are friendship because of him" I said which made her nod her head. " You, Mel and my bro the only people I got out here and I don't wanna lose y'all especially you" I said and she looked at me before giving me a long kiss and ofc I kissed back.

It felt like fucking fireworks in my stomach which I haven't felt in a long time I just know this girl is for me. When we pulled back she started to blush.

" I'm sorry" she said putting her head down. " Why you putting your head down for" I said picking it up. " Look Rob imma be honest we can't keep doing this" I said. " What do you mean" she said. " I don't know I just feel like we kiss and we touch but we not getting nowhere" I said. " So why don't we" She said.

" Because you got a man" I said cause she was starting to confuse me. " That's not my man Dame, we barely even talk" she said. " Bullshit" I said. " The last time I talked to him was when we went on a tour over the summer" she said. " Look Rih he wants you and probably still does" I said. " Well I don't I want to have something with you" she said. " Okay" I said

The engineer came  and told us he was gonna make the edit and we have to discuss a drop date.

Skip to her birthday then on the anti tour cause it's finna be some teaaaaaaa.

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