Mad out

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I gave Rih some space and stayed at my house but I'm going to North Carolina to get a tattoo done she knows ofc and I come back after I'm done but if you don't know who the person is her name is Dutchess. She does some good ass work too.
I reached in North Carolina and it's was 10:45, I pulled up to my hotel before putting my stuff in my room and then going back to my car making why way to her shop, it took me a good 25 mins to get there and when I did I got out the car and made my way in to the receptionist.

" Hi how may I help you" she asked. " Hi um I got an appointment with Dutchess" I said. " Okay give me a minute" she said and went to the back to go get Dutchess. After a few mins she came to the front. " Hi Duke" she said and gave me a side hug. " Hey" I said. " Alr follow me to the back" she said and I followed her and she was beautiful but not like my girl.

" Okay so what tattoo are you gonna get and where " she asked

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" Okay so what tattoo are you gonna get and where " she asked. " I want a tattoo that says Deeblock and on my stomach" I said. " Why do you wanna get it there" she asked. " Well I got shot a few months ago and you know it left a scar so I wanna but it there" I said. " Okay well let's get started" she said.


After about 2 hours we got finished up and it was looking fire as fuck imma start going to her for tattoos more often. I already paid so all I had to do was leave but before I left she said something to me.

" How long you gonna be out here" Dutch said. " I'm just out here for today " she said. " You wanna go to the club" she said. " Umm nahh ion do clubs" i said. " Or you just don't wanna go with me but it's okay" she said. " Nah it's not like that" I said. " Anyway I'll see you again when you wanna get tattooed again" she said and gave me a side hug.

When I left and went back to the hotel got my stuff and went straight to the airport and headed on a plane back to New York.


When I got back to nyc I went to a place to get roses, a teddy bear and some other cute things before going to my house to freshen up then to Rih house.

When I pulled up to her house I went to the door and used my key and went inside, when I went in I heard Rih and Mel talking and laughing to I don't know what but when I went over to the kitchen they were on live but they didn't see me

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When I pulled up to her house I went to the door and used my key and went inside, when I went in I heard Rih and Mel talking and laughing to I don't know what but when I went over to the kitchen they were on live but they didn't see me.

And I wanna give the stuff to Rih but nobody knows that we are together and I don't know if I should wait but fuck it I'm going in rn. I walked over and they looked at me.

" Awwww so cute" Mel said. I looks over and Rih was smirking. " These are for you babe" I said giving her the stuff then looking at her live comments.

" Umm wait did I miss something"

" There's no fuckin way"

" Better that Drake

" She stole my baby daddy"

" Aww they so cute"

" Thank you baby" she said and gave me a kiss. " And yes guys this is my girl and I'm a simp for her go on head and leave ha alone" I said the laughed. " Babe can you go pick up are food" she said. " Okay you got me some " I asked. " I ordered food from Lorenzo and yes" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek.


I went to pick up the food from Lorenzo and as I'm going to get ready to drive off I get a call from my father which kinda set me back a little cause didn't I just beat yo ass. But I answered it.

" Yo" I said

" Dame im sorry" when I heard the voice it was my mom.

" Nahhh you got it" I said and hung up the phone.

I started to drive to the house and when I made it there I got the food and went inside back to the kitchen and of course Mel and Rih was still in there talking but when I walked in they stopped talking.

" Here's the food" I said putting it on the island. Mel took her food out. " Well guys I'm gonna go see my man so I'll see yall tomorrow" she said. " Alright bye Mel" I said and same thing from Rih. You know when you can feel something about to happen that's how I was feeling.

" So your mom called me" Rih said. " Did she" I said kinda sarcastically which made her sigh. " Dame she doesn't hate you" which made me laugh. " You wasn't there you, you ain't see ha face when she said the shit she said to me" I said. " I know I wasn't but you know deep fucking down dame that she don't hate you" she said.

" Ion give a fuck, what fuckin mama say that to they child" I said. " I understand that cause nobody should say that cause that word is very strong but it was in the heat of the moment" she said. " What did she say to you on the phone" I asked. " She asked me to put you on the phone I told her you weren't home and she told me that in the heat of the moment that she said she hated you ". She said.

" Did she tell you I wasn't her son" I said and she stayed quiet. " So I don't want to talk to that lady or that man right now but I'll continue to pay the bills and any expense that they have" I said and walked away to my room.

We gonna have to skip to the tour....

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