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I can see once again. Able to gaze upon the tan complexion of Lady Aphmau's entrancing face. Her honey eyes are filled with worry, she looks tired. "I'll come check on you later, talk to Cadenza." She tells me as she leaves as swiftly as she entered, her mind focused on the now prosperous village.

I sit in the silence for a while, listening to Cadenza babble to Cookie and all of the other dogs. Birds land in-front of my small window, they seem more colorful than I remember.

I groan and stand, looking through the door to my little sister. She's her normal self it seems, but somethings changed inside of her. It's probably from her journey as a chicken, after all she did convince Hayden to let her live here.

She drops her cookie onto her plate and launches into my arms. "Laurence, you feel lighter." I smile and pat her back, "I can see you. Your fiery hair, your stupid smile." I joke with her and she only chuckles, "I was worried when I found you were injured Laurence. I know you don't want to talk but- I love you okay?" She tells me and I give her a small nod, she quickly pulls away.

"A lot has happened in the village, the People of the village are repairing damages from the attack." Her information is of a little help, but maybe I can join the villagers in rebuilding. "I feel better and I want to help with what I can. Do you know where Garroth is?" She lets out an exasperated sigh; "You need to rest and not push yourself so hard. Garroth would say the same thing." Cadenza's voice is delicate, as soft as silk like she's speaking to a child.

"I am getting out of this house. I need to get back into a routine okay?" I stare her down, her porcelain face is conflicted. Her eyes roll and she shakes her head, "I'll be coming with you. No working." This is a fight that I will not win so I raise my hands in defeat. She smirks and gets out of her seat, offering me her arm.

We walk down the unfamiliar cobblestone path past a demolished home and some further ahead. "The High Priest was insane then?" We turn to the plaza and the ground shines bright. A statue of Irene is placed just as you come down to the plaza, it is truly gorgeous. The small shops are broken but diamonds like ore is buried into the ground. "Garroth! Look who's up!" Cadenza calls and I don't know if it's just the diamonds or my new sense of color- but my fellow guard holds a bright pickaxe on his shoulder.

"Laurence!" I recall many times this knight has shouted at me. We trained in the Guard Academy together, I can't recall what he looks like under that helm. "I can see you! And the diamonds! This is fantastic for Phoenix Drop!" I exclaim and I hear a chuckle come from the youngling. "I've taken my break now it is time for you to take yours Garroth. Catch up with this stranger, I'm sure I can handle this on my own for a while." The tall man seems to hesitate, I can't tell exactly though.

"I think that's a wonderful idea, we have much to discuss." He tells me and we trail back up the path and into the guard tower, Cadenza stayed with Brian to chat. We stand on the balcony and I admire the view, an ever expanding village blooming beautifully. "I want to talk to you about something, if you wouldn't mind?" Garroth slides down the wall and keeps his back to it. He pulls off his helm and blonde locks gracefully bounce out, a slight shadow grows on his face. His blue eyes have slight bags under them, but they are still entrancing. "If it's about Lady Aphmau I-" he holds up his hand, silencing me.

"My life is slowly starting to come back to me, do you remember- me? It's like a fog has lifted and let everything come back." He looks close to tears and I grab his raised hand, "how could I forget my bunk mate?" I ask him and he lets out a faint laugh. Red covers his ears as he pulls is hand from mine.

"I ran from a marriage, that's why I've been- 'dead.' I don't know what's real and what was fake-" he stops himself and looks back at me. Eyes of the ocean, how did I forget those eyes?

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