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MCD!!! Oopsies- S


She cries, but it was too late. He received his final blow as he lay still on the ground. Time stops and everything is clouded in red.

It began to be peaceful for us after we returned home to Phoenix Drop. Calming days and restful nights graced the village and everything was on track. Alina and Lilith run through our ever-growing home with ease, it's safe.

"Garroth? Why're you up here in your lonesomeness?" His voice startles me, as much as his hand on my shoulder does. "Observing Dante. Do you need something?" Making sure that the calm stays. The bluenette sighs and pats my shoulder, it still feels like yesterday he was a kid. "You need to relax my friend. We have more guards now than ever, they're safe." Everyone looks small from up here.

"You needed something?" I finally break away from the railing and turned to him. The bags under his eyes have seemingly disappeared, and the wear on his smile looks like it hasn't changed anything. "Our Shadow Knight has returned. He was last in the plaza talking to lady Aphmau, delivering a parcel."

It has been many moons since the brunette has returned. Twenty-nine to be exact. When I last spoke to the man it was an argument. A small smile makes it's way onto my face, I've forgotten what it was about. "You need to relax and take your time to do something else."

My smile disappears and I turn to the ladder. "Even though I'm no longer part of the guard- I can't let myself forget. Shad is out there somewhere still looking for Aphmau and Alina. It's never been this easy."

I rush down the small chute, begging him not to open his mouth again. I can't handle loosing the guard too, not right now. I weave through the people on the path, ignoring their disgruntled glares. If he really is here, I can talk to him again.

I'll apologize for every single word that came out of my mouth and maybe he'll understand. I first see Dimitri and Nekoette, chasing each other and shouting nonsense. The young guards rarely seem to care how they are disrupting the people.

An unexpected chill rages through my bones when I meet his gaze. He quickly turns back to lady Aphmau and smiles. Every part of me screams with each step I take, the wind is knocked out of me as I reach her side. "Ah! Garroth there you are- look who's home!" Her cheery voice calls, giving me a smile. I feel his eyes burning into the side of my head but I can't bring myself to look at him again.

"He's just told me we have more allies joining the Phoenix Alliance! Sent them on their way to the island! There-" her voice fades out and my ears begin to ring. His hand lands on the crook of my neck and the fire that blazes through me breaks the ringing. "Gar- your nose. Are you okay?" I wipe my face and red stains my hand. The sickly crimson makes my knees weak but I nod. "I'll go talk to some of the villagers, maybe you can get him to rest. He's been..." her words fade out and the ringing bounces through my skull once again. His firey arms wrap around me and we begin to stumble back to the old tower. No one uses it but me anymore, they've built an entire training ground while I've done nothing.
The rest of the day is a blur, I can't remember what happened after that.

I wake up to the birds singing though, every bone aching. I groan and sit up, popping everything as I stretch. I turn to put my armor on, but it's gone. My armor stand and my weapon rack barren. I swallow the panic rising in my throat and climb the ladder.
I find the brunette holding onto a post, leaning out over the trees below.

"You should get down from there Laur." He jumps, nearly slipping off the edge. Slowly he turns toward me, bright eyes wide. "You're-" I turn from him but that doesn't stop him closing in. "Garroth- you're awake." I shrug and I hear him suck in a deep breath. "Look at me. Gar." I keep my gaze away until his firey touch finds my chin. His cloudy eyes brighten, making me smile as well. "Did I sleep long?" My question has him drawing in another deep breath.

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