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"This is it- isn't it?" The blood dripping from the corner of his mouth only echoes the truth. The shaky exhale the blonde lets loose confirms it for Laurence. The Shadow Lord's army has backed all of Aphmau's defenses into corners, specifically her two guards.

There's a sickly crimson pool growing under the prince, how had they ended up like this? This far away from Lady Aphmau, the armies, what led up to this? The weeks draw blanks for Garroth, everything leading up to this damned battle is a blur.

"Don't talk like that. Where's the witty remark? Not even a joke?" Laurence only looks over to the blonde man kneeling beside him. Most of those blonde curls are soaked in ash and blood, mixes of the demons and other shadow knights. His armor is cracked and there is a large gash in between the dark metal. Blood seeming to never stop poring from the crevice, the big man was weak.

Every breath he struggled to keep, each inhale a long wheeze accompanies. His outburst took the wind from his lungs. Not even the relic seems to help ease the pain. The brunette slides himself further up the rock he's leaning against. "It's hard to laugh when there's chunks missing eh?" The shadow knight offers, Garroth doesn't dignify it with a response.

"This cave will be our tomb. Your relic isn't working, my form is broken, and we're both bleeding out. Irene why couldn't we have gotten stuck with a healer?" The blonde being silent sends Laurence into over drive.

Garroth has always been the voice of reason in their duo. The "half-full" to his "empty." Since he met the guard he was this unfathomable sunshine, lighting up everything he came in contact with. Not only was he of high status, he was a night, a constant reminder that there is good in this world.

"Blondie talk to me- please." The crack in Laurence's voice brings the blonde back to reality. As carefully as he can, he lowers himself beside the shadow knight and rests against the bloodied rock. Creatures of the nether had found where they fled, caving in the only exit.

"For once, I think I can finally agree with you." The blonde mumbles, the thumb of his gloves wiping what blood he can from Laurence's chin away. The silence echoes off the crumbled boulders, creating a new ache in Laurence's bones. He wouldn't normally dare let this happen, the softness radiating from the blonde is heartbreaking.

Laurence's shadow form is weak, the hole in his abdomen not helping his case. He didn't want to look, panic would buzz in his bones until he died. "Don't go soft on me Princess, we're not dead yet." Garroth shakes his head, resting a hand on the brunette's.

"If by Irene's grace, we make it out of here can we talk about it?" The tan man pesters, a pained groan following.

After Alina was born and things started to flip upside down, they tried to begin their own normal. It wasn't difficult, Garroth always thought Laurence was easy to talk to. He wasn't always annoying and flirtatious, there's the inquisitive side. Searching for any and all possible answers to any problems they may have.

Whatever the two men were, the blonde made it clear that he is dedicated to Lady Aphmau. That nothing would come above her, not even the man he came home to at night. Obeying the ravenette's every order while Laurence worked on reigning in his shattered mind.

It pained him to watch the light leave those blue eyes, mission after mission. Watching children that aren't his own, helping Dante take care of the newly blossoming village. It was all too much and eventually, Garroth pulled back.

What they had deteriorated into friendship, deteriorated into nothing but awkward silences and arguments. Laurence was barely even Garroth's right hand, before this began. They spent years apart while the blonde focused on Aphmau and her children.

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