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This is cringe a tiny bit but not too bad.-S

Idk we'll see

Laurence <3

"Babe!" She calls from upstairs, "yeah!?" I shout back but get no answer. I get off the couch and go into our room, she's sitting on the bed with clothes around her.

"Laur! I can't figure out what to wear- Lucinda wants us to look nice!" Her honey eyes are wide as she holds clumps of fabric in her hands. "What about your favorite purple dress? That's a crowd killer always Aph!" She huffs and tosses the clothes behind her, "I can't fit it anymore."

Her hands fold in her lap and I chuckle, "Cadenza can alter it for another party love!" I tell her and pick up a black dress, "this one?" She laughs and grabs it from me, "if I can't fit the purple one- this one is off too. I hate this- I just want to wear something cute."
I pull her into a hug and kiss her cheek, "you always wear something cute! Do you want me to keep helping?" I ask and pull away from her, she shrugs.

"I have something I want to tell you before we go." She stands from our bed and starts to pace the room, she mumbles to herself. "W- what's wrong? You're kinda scaring me." I stand and stare at the ravenette I fell in love with. "Is it because you can't fit a couple dresses? I promise I'll take them to my sister tomorrow and hopefully that will help." Aphmau shakes her head and finally stops her pacing.

"It's- not that. I can't fit into those dresses because- I'm pregnant." The world stops and everything crashes down on me. I can hardly breathe as she takes my hands in hers. "B- but we- it's been so long- what?" She gives me a soft smile and squeezes my hands.

"Remember a few months ago- after we came home from the movies?" A small smile creeps onto her face as I remember. I got worked up and- I shake my head. "I- I'm going to be a father?" I drop myself onto the bed and wipe my now teary eyes. She nods and wraps her arms around me, the world still collapsing around me.

"I'm going to finish getting ready- can you make us a snack?" She asks and I can only nod and get up. I make my way back down and into the kitchen, I hear the wind smacking the windows. Aphmau and I got together at the end of college, we were on and off for so long. Once we made it official we moved into this house- it's big and empty.

I put some toast in the toaster and wait, scanning every inch of the house we've put together. It feels wrong, just off. The front door swings open and my best friend barrels through. His brothers follow behind him as they all make their way to me.

"Aph still getting ready?" Garroth asks and I nod, "making a snack and then she should be down. Hopefully...." I grumble and the toast pops up. "Zane could you give Aphmau her toast? I need a minute with my bro." The blonde asks and the middle child nods. Aphmau and Zane have become best friends and I'm thankful for that. At least I know where she's going when she leaves with Zane.

Garroth drags me to the backyard, he wraps an arm around my shoulder. Us standing in silence like this makes me remember high school, just watching the stars roll across the world. "Aphmau's pregnant." I tell him and he pulls away from me, eyes wide.

"You're going to be a dad? That's amazing buddy!" His hands are on my shoulders as he shouts, unable to contain his excitement. "I'm going to be an uncle! This is amazing!" I pull his hands off and nod, "it's definitely amazing..." I drop myself on the steps and rub my face. "Do you not- want a kid?" My best friend asks and I shrug, "I want a kid. Don't get me wrong about that but- something feels wrong. Aph and I haven't- it's been more than three months since we had sex. Another thing- I always wear condoms. Even the night after the movie- I remember putting one on. I grabbed it from my drawer-"

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