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This is old please be aware that this is a cringe warning. -S (this one is SO cringe)

Fluffy? Angsty?
Vampires and Werewolves.
(Like Twilight but gayer, and the werewolves stop aging and look how they looked before they Transformed.)

Let me spin this story, a lovely way. Two clans of the monsters you where afraid of in elementary, clash in their town. There where the Ro'meave Coven, a small group of vegan vamps. In the coven there where many, like Garte Ro'meave . The head of the family, and the best doctor for humans. His lovely wife, Zianna and their many adopted children. Garroth Ro'meave , he was the first Garte had turned in order to save a life. Then Zianna, and then Vylad. Once those few where in the coven, more started to show. Three to be exact, Dante (who is Vylad's Mate), Zane, then his mate Travis. A few in the coven had extra abilities, Garroth had Mind reading. Zane could see the future, and his mate can control emotions.

This is the coven in the small town Phoenix Drop, on a large island surrounded by water. Then there was the native tribe, and held a few new people.

Sworn Enimies through instinct, and the fact that they get on each other's nerves. They have this common interest, their new human friend Aphmau. She had formally introduced the two enemies when they had hung out one day. Aphmau brought Laurence Zvhal, a Tan, sixteen year old, member of a tribe. Also Garroth Ro'meave, and they had to play nice.

(Okay now I'm done- wow)

One Month after Knowing Each other
(the bois)

"Okay so Laurence- what do you want to do?" The blonde asks from the seat beside him. "Well Garroth, I was thinking we see a movie?" A stoney smile appears on the other's face, "yeah sure. You pick" Garroth looks out the window of the old car. Acting like a human was getting tiring for him, so why not be able to just sit still and do nothing for two hours? "Okay- well I was gonna bring you if you said no anyway. We're here" Laurence announces, looking at the old building.

It was a cloudy, rainy day, perfect for going to a movie. "Hold on-" the tan boy calls, and he starts wretching. Garroth was beside him in a second. No puke came, but he has a major fever. "Laurence, drive home. You're sick" the blonde demands, opening the door for his friend. With little to no protests, the old green car is out of sight in no time.

Garroth decided to run home, and maybe hunt. Running underneath the cover of the trees was refreshing, he slows when he's close to home. Then he starts, prowling around to find a deer. Something huge was behind it, and it smelled horrible. He straightens his posture, and slowly walks forward. The deer runs off and he is only left with the thing lurking in the trees.

Holy shit that's a leach!

The blonde hears, looking directly into it's eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you." The huge animal steps out, with two others.

You came close to the boarder. We had the right to know what was going on.

Another voice calls, deeper and louder. Like it was above everyone else's. Gene a black werewolf is the leader of the pack. Sasha and Zenix are the ones who turned after their leader.

"I think one of your newer members is coming through. Laurence, he had a fever earlier, go check on him. I was just hunting that doe."

Their giant wolf heads bob up and down, as if nodding. They slink back into the darkness, then howling madly before leaving.

Next day

"Have you heard anything from him? He won't answer my calls Gar!" Aphmau whines, begging him for any info on the other. "He and I where going to see a movie- but he got sick and went home."
"So he asked you on a date? And you said yes?" Garroth shrugs "You only live once right?" The raven gives him a look like 'really?' She knows, she had found it out when he saved her.

"So what are we talking about?" Zane's voice sings, as he drops a tray on the table. Travis sits beside him, trying to read between the lines. To get some type of feel for emotion. "About Laurence. He won't answer me, and he drive home sick yesterday."

Zane tried to look into Laurence's future, like he used to. There was nothing, but fuzzy blackness. "Wait did you see something Zane?" She whispers looking to Garroth, noticing the puzzled expression. "You'll have to go see him, Aphmau. We can't break the treaty, see if he's okay?" Garroth asks, putting his hand on her's.

"I'll go up after school, to check on him."

What Garroth found in the woods was way more disturbing. The boy everyone is worried about, in his wolf form freaked out. "Laurence!" He calls for him, but he backs away into the darkness. He comes back in a moment, in a pair of shorts. "It's true! G- Garroth! Y- you're a blood sucker? But-" Laurence walks forward, then holds his nose.

"It smells like you've been taking a bath in moldy blood. It's disgusting" Garroth sighs, rubbing his face. "You don't smell to amazing either friend. Wet dog does not suit you." The tan boy sits in the grass beside the other, and Garroth does the same. "We're supposed to be enemies, but I can't hate you. Garroth I don't know what's real anymore." Tears in his baby blue eyes, Laurence groans.

"I can't read your thoughts Laur, but I can everyone else's. You're different." Garroth lays back, looking at the sky. "What are you thinking about?" A blush rises to the tan cheeks, "about how gay I must fucking be. Because- it's nothing."

"Can I do something Laurence? And you'll have to tell me if I hurt you." He nods, closing his blue eyes he waits. Garroth sits up and brings Laurence with him, then he leans in. Placing a small gentle kiss upon the other's lips. To which the kiss is returned, and their scents no longer horrible to one another. Laurence smells like the forest, but mostly Pine to Garroth. And Garroth smells like roses, to Laurence.

"Laurence do you want to be my boyfriend?"

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