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This is old please be aware that this is a cringe warning. -S

[modern au where they're in dance class and yeah renea's idea]

"Really? A new dance?" I groan rather loudly, Aphmau slightly punching my arm. "Yes Zane! It is dance class, what did you think? Learn ten dances and be done?" My raven haired friend asks, suddenly looking to our teacher Mr. Boone. "Class, yes now we will be switching out of our groups too. I'll assign them this time, pair up of two." He booms, making everyone sigh and complain.
"At least I won't be stuck here with one eye anymore." Laurence retorts glaring at me from the side, I shake my head. "At least I won't have to put up with your constant flirting with Aphmau."

"Zane Ro' Meave, Travis Valkurm!" He points to a spot on the gym floor, a white haired boy comes from Garroth's group. I follow said boy's lead and walk over, quiet as ever. I can feel Aphmau's smirk radiating off her face, so I decide to ignore her. "Hello Zane, I'm Travis. Nice to meet you!" The slightly shorter says, and hold out his hand.

I take it and smile, "nice to meet you too Travis. I'm assuming you're one of Garroth's friends?" I ask to try to be polite, biting back my regular self. "Yeah I guess so, Dante is my friend too. Oh and Aphmau! But uh that's it? You're Garroth's brother right?" I roll my eyes and inwardly groan, "yeah same last name.." Travis face palms a scarlet blush appearing on his face.

"This is going to be couples Dances in this session! We'll learn how to dance with a partner properly!" Mr. Boone yells once more, turning on his speaker. I scan the room for Aphmau, she got paired with Katelyn. Laurence catches my eye as he's flailing his arms around fuming, his dance partner was my brother.

(I didn't mean to but I switched PoVs)

"The Taller person in your two person group, put your hands on the other's waist." Mr. Boone calls out walking around the gym floor. The yin and yang males look at each other, then Travis slightly huffs him being a tiny inch shorter than Zane.

The raven smiles at Travis' response and lightly places his hands on said male's waist. "The other please put your arms around your partner's neck and begin to sway back and forth." Mr. Boone had just put on some slow dancing music, and it (sadly) was a country song.

A good half of the year Later

Travis groans loudly as his alarm blares, waking him from his peaceful slumber and his amazing dream. He hesitates to get up and get ready for school, though he's already missed a lot of school because of his silly crush. Oh yeah- he's gained feelings for this guy in dance class, and they're not even partner's anymore! They talk all the time though, and hang out too.

"Travis get up! Schoooooool!~" his dad calls in a single song voice, too cheerful for early morning. Groaning for the second time he gets out of bed and looks for his uniform. Sliding the suit on a few moments later, he grabs his bag and goes downstairs.

Breakfast was on a plate in the dining room, the albino stopped and took a few bites then headed for the door. Someone was knocking as he was turning the knob, to Travis' surprise it was Zane. Normally his bluenette friend and his blonde friend were there, "good morning Travis." The raven greets as the shorter steps out of the house into the cool winter air.

"I came to ask a question if you wouldn't mind?" Travis nods in response trying to not stare at his pale friend. The one mentioned before stopped and took Travis' hands in his, the expression on his face was worry and excitement. "You weirdo, beautiful, majestic, boy will you let me be your boyfriend?"

The scarlet from the cold turned into a very bright blush as the slightly shorter male smiles. "Yes Zane, of course." The latter hugs him and plants a kiss on his lips, Travis was frozen at first but then he returned the favor.

Clapping started from behind Zane, the two boys part and look in the direction of the sound. There stood a quietly fangirling Aphmau with Garroth and Dante. "FINALLY AAAAAAAAAH" to everyone's surprise it was Dante who had the little outburst. Zane took his boyfriend's hand softly and walked away.

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