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This is a long one!!! Buckle up for angst and there's a TW for slight homophobia. S

"... just don't understand kids these days." Dad drones, on his eighth homophobic rant of the week. The news has just informed him that the gays can get married.

Long past colors, or species, now it's sexuality. My whole life it's been nothing but hate and disgust towards people who are different than him. "Garte honey how do you like the roast?" Mom is always quick to try and change the subject.

With all the money in the world, can he not just be peaceful? "It's really good mom!" Vlyad, my youngest brother cheers. A chorus rings through Zane and I, "thank you mummy it's great." His greying beard is covered in the liquor he's drinking. He had stopped the stuff after our grandmother died, but that was before I was born.

His words always make my lungs burn. The way he talks about them, my best friend is not some deviant. He's just Laurence, and she's just Katelyn. It doesn't matter who they love. How can he not see that?

"You're lucky you're all in a public school. If I'd had it my way you'd be in O'Khasis in a school focused on Esmund." Again he spills nonsense and I can see my mother's frown. The one she'd bear when she was having an affair only deeper. I was pulled by him while Zane was whisked away, that's when she announced she was pregnant.

I've seen it all and am prepared for what could happen. "Mummy! I've got a project for school, may I be excused?" Zane turns to me with a curious look but I ignore it. "Of course GarGar sweetie! I'll have leftovers packed for everyone's lunch tomorrow." I nod to her and scoot my chair back. My father mumbles something I don't hear.

I'm flying up the stairs and into my room, as fast as possible. If the boys are smart, they'll follow suit and get out of the war zone before it's too late. I'm pacing in front of my desk as a video call appears. Laurence is staying with his grandparents for the weekend on their farm. My worries calm as his face appears, patiently waiting for me to answer. He's in his favorite striped hoodie, typing something on his phone.

I slide myself into my chair and answer, I have never gotten used to the fact that he wears glasses. The black rimmed spectacles are a major insecurity of his, so he only wears them at home. "Garroth! There you are I thought you'd died." His voice is refreshing after dealing with the nightmare that is my father.

"I just finished dinner..." I can't finish my thought.

"Is he still drinking?" Laurence's concerns match my own and I give him a nod. "I've told you what it was like, I don't want Zane and Vlyad to have to go through that." Pity plays in his pixels as he gives me a sigh. We stare at each other, him not knowing what to say. I don't know how to keep talking. The words build and block until I can't breathe sometimes. We've known each other since we were nine, he gets it.

"Did you know that The Lionesses released a new album, when I get it you need to come over." He offers, ignoring the fact that I can buy it myself on the World Wide Web. "Garroth!" I freeze at the sound of his shout, he's right outside my door.

He rarely raises his voice, I can only imagine the panic Laurence is experiencing. I slam my laptop shut and open one of my textbooks. My door swings open and there he wobbles. What has to be a demon possessing Garte because this hasn't been the man who raised me. "You got some prollem' with me boy?" His words are barely that as he stomps forward.

"N- No S- Sir! I- have h- homework." I tell him and offer him my book. It happens so fast I can't believe it. BAM! The hardback connects to the floor and my shirt collar is in his hands. "Bullshit! Leaving dinner every time I bring up those parasites!" My words catch in my throat and I'm choking. Teary eyed because why is he doing this?

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