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Something other than garrance for once :0 -S

I never paid much mind growing up, when they'd say humans and werewolves weren't compatible. The couples I'd pass in the streets, kids playing in their yards.

I never put much thought into it until I started to fall in love with a friend's pack mate. His multi-colored eyes steal my breath, and his smile makes my stomach flip. I didn't think I could feel that way about someone again, until him. The way he holds himself, his charming smile. Maybe it was his contagious laughter, or the way he just wanted to talk to me.

I've pulled him into the bushes behind our condo out of sight. He's been with Dottie and Daniel all day and I've been dreaming about his touch. His hands grip my hips and he kisses my forehead. "We have to stop meeting like this Gar." His joke makes me roll my eyes and I wrap my arms around my neck. He connects our foreheads and hums, his eyes stare into mine.

"I just would like to have you to myself for a bit." His canines are prominent in his toothy smile. After everything, I still have my doubts. A werewolf I can barely remember from high school? After being the most helpless person in the most traumatic time of our lives? When we got home, Laurence wouldn't stop pestering me. Yet, he'd fret about Kim. He was worried for her, not me, not Aphmau, but a girl he met from an app. It broke my heart. I realized that even though I would have done anything in my power for him, he wouldn't do the same for me. I finally realized that he wasn't going to love me the way I love him, no matter how bad it hurts.

"I can have Daniel go hang out in Dottie's room." He mumbles in my ear, I hear myself swallow. I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm rusty, those thoughts hadn't crossed my mind much. I was a womanizer in high school, and it became worse as I realized I liked men as well.

"I'm not sure I can-" the red haired man shakes his head as a light blush coats his cheeks. We've been sneaking around and making out, nothing too serious. He's been taking me on walks around the island. Buying us dinner and taking me to the amusement park. It's nice to experience it with a calmer environment.

"Nothing like that you adorable man- I was thinking a movie." Blaze informs and it washes a small wave of relief over me. I don't know how I'd perform right now. It's been a year but I still have trouble sleeping some nights. They've lessened as I've started to fall asleep in here.

Without getting my response he pulls me from the wall and drags me into the house. I'm slightly worried about our intertwined hands, but the living room is quiet. Blaze opens the door and calls out to Daniel. "Danny buddy! You in here?" He takes his shoes off and looks at the bathroom door. "I'll be out in a minute Blaze!" The other werewolf calls as the red head gestures to the small hall their dividers made. "We put those up because Daniel likes to sleep-" the bathroom door open and the short werewolf glares at Blaze.

"I'm gonna watch a movie with Gar here- you should go see if Dottie's doing anything." His eyes stay on me as he winks, making my blush bloom. Daniel glances between the two of us and crosses his arms. "Why? You going to mate with him?" Daniel's question almost kills me. I hide my face in my hands and shake my head. "Wh- What! Daniel! That's- WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?!" Blaze barks, growling at the other.

"You two aren't that aware after a few too many drinks I guess.." I uncover my face and look at the younger werewolf with wide eyes. "What do you mean!?" The desperation in my voice isn't new to me, but it's a shock. "I've seen you two get handsy at that tiki bar not too far from here, the alphas didn't see you though." I turn and glare at the big werewolf. A sheepish smile creeps onto his face and he holds his hands up.

That night is a blur, I don't want to think about my ruined jeans the next morning. The shame I felt dropping them into the group laundry was unspeakable."I- I'm go-going to- the bathroom." I manage out and hurry to close the door behind me. I stare at myself in the mirror. He doesn't quite look like the Garroth I'm used to. His cheekbones are more prominent and bags hang under his blue eyes. The muscles he once had from working out now smaller. A skeleton of my former self. Even though i didn't go through much at the lodge, what I witnessed haunts me.

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