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This is old please be aware that this is a cringe warning. -S

[Soulmates Au]

Garroth sighs, sitting in his desk beside Aphmau. She was rambling about her soulmate again, how she felt her purple and red string tug her this morning. Garroth looks at his hands, no string of any kind is attached to him. "Class is dismissed!"

Garroth gets up and hurries to the library since this is his free period. He writes a small story every day and publishes it anonymously on the school's writing website. The only people who know about this are Aphmau, His brothers, and his mother.

He gets messages sometimes on how people love his stories, and about how they captivate them. There's this one constant reader though, and the username is: Pheonixs_NewKid. Garroth loved talking to this person, and loved the constructive criticism they gave.

Hey! Amazing story today, I loved it.
Who knew dark pieces of ground
Could be effecting an ancient world?

Thanks! And I don't know what
I was really going for, I just

It was amazing nonetheless!
I think I should formally introduce myself.
I'm Laurence, Zvhal. I moved here
A few weeks ago with my sister Cad.

Thanks, once more..
And if I tell you who I am,
I might just have to kill you
Or keep you around

I'd be more than happy if
you'd kept me around

I'm Garroth, Romeave.
Tall, but not too tall blonde kid

Nice to officially know you
Garroth Romeave.
Next class shall we meet up?
I have lunch!

Yes! Let's, and the plants just
before the cafeteria?

I was kinda thinking the library, I'm already here so.. yeah.

Garroth gasps lightly, and types as fast as he can. Not so silently packing his stuff up, not even bothering trying to organize. His excitement was getting to him, maybe he's made a new friend after all.

Were are you

I'm in section 3B, why?


Laurence looks up from his computer once he feels a light tap on his shoulder. He looks over to see a tall, cyan eyed, blonde boy. His hair styled oh- so perfectly, and his white dress shirt wrinkled and un-
tucked. "Hi I'm Garroth!" Said boy chirps as he hold out his hand timidly, excitement in his eyes.

"Laurence!" The brunette peeps back, blushing slightly at his own thoughts. "It's great to finally meet you! We've been talking for a few weeks and we didn't even think-" Garroth starts, his tan-ish face covered in scarlet. "I know! It's crazy! I'm super honored to finally meet you!" Laurence finishes, his hands twisting at his shirt.

"Wanna go to lunch with me? I have second lunch... Obviously" Garroth asks smiling  brightly. "Yes! Of course, I don't even sit with my sister so..I need someone to hang out with." The bell rings and Laurence stands, joining Garroth by his side.

"I sit with a few other people, like Aphmau, and Dante..and Travis.." Garroth ponders aloud, on his lunchmates. They walk to the cafeteria and Garroth guides the brunette to the lunch table, there sat the few mentioned before. "Laurence! You finally found a friend?" A fire haired girl asks, as she glances from one to the other. "Yeah, and so have you eh?" Laurence retorts, sitting down beside Garroth.


Garroth is awoken by something pulling him rather harshly from his bed and onto the floor. He looks at his pinky and he squeaks ever so slightly, tears brimming his eyes. It was a tightly braided green and blue string, someone knocks at his room door then walks in. His two brothers file in behind one another, rubbing sleep from their eyes and yawning. "Garroth- why in Irene's name are you in the floor?" Zane groans, then softens up at his older brother's tears.

"I finally have a string baby brother! I was pulled out of bed by it!" The two younger boys gasp and smile, happy that their brother finally has a soulmate. "Get to bed, I'll see you two in the morning!"

Garroth skipped to school that morning, excited to actually meet his soulmate. He could finally stop feeling the pity that his friends gave him, and instead join in on the conversations. Time had flew past, so now it was already his free period. It so happened that his string led to his favorite place in the world, the library. He searched for Laurence, his string pulling harshly at every thought of the brunette. He found Laurence sitting in a computer chair examining his string, the brunette was smiling brightly.

"I'm sorry I haven't updated yet today" Garroth whispers, a dark bluch coating his face. Laurence turns in his seat, a small gasp escaping his lips.
The boy gets up and hugs the blonde, "if that's what you think I'm surprised about then you're crazy." Garroth hugs back his smile growing, they stay there for a moment.

"Hey Garroth the bell-" a Raven's voice sounds, and then stops at the sight of the two males. The two pull apart, scarlet on their faces, as well as huge smiles. "H- Hey Aph!" Garroth chirps, intertwining his hand with Laurence's.

"So... Everyone owes Kawaii-Chan and I ten bucks." Aphmau states, smirking evilly. "Oh and everyone was wondering where you two were, the bell rung for Lunch!"

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