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Out of all of the things I thought would kill me, I didn't think this was it.

Maybe my father, Lord of O'Khasis and his army would have been one. My brother and his brainwashed thralls would be another.

Maybe at the hands of the shadow king.

Not bitten by one of the rotten corpses that stagger around in the woods.

Caught off guard because I needed a moment to breathe. "By the gods! Garroth? Are you okay? The poor beast is shredded!" Laurence. He's something else I thought would kill me, in a fit of his shadowy rage.

Sucking in all the air I can i admit most of the truth to him. "I- just needed a minute." White hot pain sears from my hip to my chest, for a moment everything flashes white. I ignore the new holes littering my frail armor and cover them with my cape. "The party isn't that bad Mr. Head guard. What's gotten into you?" His words roll off of me and I turn to face him.

When I first met this man he was arrogant and flirty. His emerald eyes seemingly had everyone wrapped around his fingers. His skin was as bright as honey, barely a scar rested on him. But this Laurence, his eyes now a clouded blue. The firey hair now turned a singed brown, and his skin is greying. He relies a lot on his shadow senses to see these days, the nether never kind to it's guests.

His golden brown hair is silk in the sunlight, the trees unable to break his radiant aura. "I've never liked parties, I'm going to patrol our un-occupied entrance." I watch as his eyebrow quirks upward, "why alone?"

His accusing tone strikes something in me, "I've no reason to tell you anything. Keep an eye on our lord and I shall be back." I breeze past him, his words stinging. I drag myself into my guard station and meet the eyes of Dale. Bastard is drunk, lazily waving a bottle in hand. "Dale, I need you to get your second in command and Clear the dead away from our home. They are a danger to the people."  I glare at him, hoping my words stick into the mush.

"Right away Sir Garroth." He slurs and wobbles as he stands. I climb the stairs and shut myself into my bunk. I'm finally able to peel away the useless armor to reveal my wounds.

Rows of teeth decorate both my ribs and my hip, the flesh around them already decaying. Everything turns white again and flashes of my childhood play, building snow forts with Zane. The despicable man he is now. "Garroth buddy you up here?" Dante's voice rings, the shrill noise bounces in my brain.

No words come, but I push myself out into the hall. The bluenette stops in his tracks, his dark eyes training themselves on my bites. "B- bitten-" tumbles from my lips and his eyes widen more. "A- Aphmau!! Zoey! Brendan! Anyone!" He cries, speeding down the stairs. He's a trail of red and blue, his movements are too quick for me.

For some it takes days to turn, for others it is minutes. I can't tell where I'm at in the spectrum as I descend. Everything plays in slow motion, each and every step down. The bluenette's voice cries as the door opens, revealing my Lord and my second in command. Shock rests in their features as I stare at them, "M- My lord..."

My words turn into an everlasting silence between us. Neither of them move unless I do. The brunette's eyes flash red, blocking his clouded blue. "Why- didn't you tell me!?" He breaks their small line and inches closer. Tears stream down Aphmau's face, she's frozen in place.

"Enough with the yelling he needs to get into bed. I'll do what I can, I need you two to find me some ingredients for a potion." Zoey's elegant voice chimes from the door. Her long silvery hair is wild and it looks as though she has just come from watching boys. I don't fight their wishes as Dante and Laurence whisk me back into my room. Dante has been instructed to stay with us, in case I turn while they're away.

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